Now's not the time!

I find it amazing that, at a time when there's been a serious natural disaster and people are dead while others are going through immense suffering, some people are only too eager to point the finger at our President. Believe it or not, many Liberals are now blaming President Bush for Hurricane Katrina! How exactly, is President Bush responsible for this disaster? Simple. Global warming. This is despite the fact that many American scientists have gone on the record as stating that there is no connection between global warming and this particular storm. Some hurricane's are really bad. While it's not pleasant, these things happen. And, you can never accurately predict how bad a hurricane or storm will be, you can only do your best to warn people. What should be focused on now is getting help to those who need it. President Bush is taking charge of the situation and making every attempt to bring help to those who need it. But, lets face it, it's a tough situation that no one can accurately identify with because every storm is different.
Lets not place lame on anyone for this storm. Storms, hurricanes, tornados-in effect, natural disasters- happen. It's a fact of life. Liberals need to stop politicizing this event and get in there and help out! Republicans are not politically posturing here and saying "oh, look at how the government is really getting in there to help out!" In short, put up or shut up! Rather than criticize who's at fault or how things could be done better, shut your mouth and do your part to help! I encourage everyone to contact their local Red Cross to see how they can help. Perhaps you could donate some blood. Maybe you can donate a nice food package or some cases of bottled water for those victims who desperately need it. Better yet, if you can spare any amount of money, maybe you can donate that. If you've got a job, why not see if you can set up a jar in your break room to collect donations, then donate that to the American Red Cross. Maybe collect things for a care package to be sent where it's needed most. Maybe you're a student at a school, or have a child who's a student at a school and maybe you can talk with the principle or superintendent about getting the whole school involved in helping out those in need. Maybe the children could bring their spare change, or have a recycle drive going where paper, plastic, pop cans or glass is collected, recycled, and that money donated to the Disaster Relief Fund. If you're not sure where your local Red Cross is, use the link below to find it, or to donate directly to the American Red Cross. Now is not the time for arguing, finger pointing, blaming or political posturing. It is a time for us all to help out. Anything you think you can do may just help. I don't make much money, but, I donated $50 to the relief fund. A little goes a long way, every bit helps, it all adds up. It is a time to come together, to teach those that caring and compassion can go a long way in helping a person out. Come on America! Let's do all we can!
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