For those not living in Washington State, we have a big problem here. We have a 1.4 BILLION dollar shortfall. That's really big. Now, keep in mind, the Democrats who've controlled the Governor's Mansion for 25+ years and who've controlled the legislature for about 4 years, have nothing to do with this. Yeah, right. It hase been Democrats who've been slaves to the labor unions, Democrats who've given in state tuition to those who are NOT legal citizens in the USA, and it is common knowledge that illegals are getting benefits from DSHS at tax payer expense. Well, if you cut those things out, how many millions would that save? It may be a drop in the bucket, or, it may not. But, every little bit at this point certainly helps.
So, we have Occupy in Olympia. Now, it is WELL documented that Occupy contains elements that spew Anti-Semetic slurs (but that's ok, cause it's a LIBERAL group and it's been well documented that the slurs occur. Unlike the Tea Party where there is accusations, but NO evidence whatsoever), drug use is fairly rampant. Unsanitary conditions continue at most of the events. Unhygenic conditions as well. People camping out in areas where it's prohibited. Then when told (not asked, because we all know that will not work) to leave, they refuse. They are then giving up their 1st Amendment rights to peacefully assemble. When you're told to leave, and you don't, that's not peaceful. Henceforth, they get what they deserve. They are forcibly escorted out. If they become violent, as they frequently do, they are dealt with accordingly, they are arrested, they are pepper sprayed or tasered if need be. At this point, use the fire hoses to get rid of them. Not only do you get rid of them, but, they also get a bath. Sounds good to me.
So, in Olympia, the legislators have a huge burden of trying to find cuts. Unfortunately, some of that will be to education. Rightly so, teachers are upset. I used to be a teacher. However, I blame the Teacher's Union more than the teachers. The Teacher's union performs brain washing to the highest degree. They lean to the Left to massive extremes. Our schools are failing in this state. The WASL was ultimately changed because students were not passing it in sufficient numbers. They eliminated two sections of it because, on the whole, students in the state of Washington were failing these sections the most. Instantly, the scores went up. Why? Cause the two worst sections are gone. Having gone through Education Classes at a University that loses it's teaching accredidation more than people go through toilet paper. Which is basically what a teaching certificate from this centrally located college is worth. They always told us that you have to assess what a student has learned by more than just a test. Ok. So, what was the WASL (Washington Assessment of Student Learning)? A test. Plus, it was a test you had to pass, or you didn't graduate. What was the way around it? GED. Needless to say, those going for a GED increased. Drop out rates in high school remained high, I'm not clear if it went up after passing the WASL was mandatory or not. I've never bothered to look into it because I thought the WASL was bad policy and would not be effective in assessing what students learned. I was in favor of portfolios as that demonstrates what a student learned because it forced them to demonstrate it. They had to come up with their own portfolio. But, I am off topic.
So, Occupy, along with other groups, started out peaceful. Well, the Washington State Patrol told them the building was closed (it was 5:30p) and they had to leave. Not, "will you leave", but "you need to leave." They refused. Boom, your 1st Amendment rights just ended. Because, you are no longer peacefully assembling. So, they were forcibly removed. A group of about 30 (according to the Examiner newspaper in Olympia) stormed the building to get back into the area they'd just been removed from. Three were tasered. My thought: Just 3? So, their 1st Amendment rights ended when they refused to leave. By the time they rushed the building again, it was already too late. You have no more rights to assemble morons. There were arrests, there were many cited for tresspassing. They are not allowed back on the property for 30 days. I think the Washington State Patrol will find many of them there today. No problem, arrest them. Fine them, jail them. The state needs revenue, so, no warnings, just fine them and throw their butt in jail.
But, earlier in the day, they also stormed a committee meeting, preventing it from continuing. That's also not peacefully assembling morons. You've violated the US and Washington State Constitution. You can now use your rights for toilet paper, that's what they're worth. And the sickest part, it's that way because of YOUR own actions.
At the Occupy disaster, you can find the same crap you do at all of them. An insane jealousy of the rich. Everyone owes those who don't work. They're entitled. A sampling of their rhetoric:
"It's time for the richest 1% to pay".
Guess what idiot. THEY DO. Most of the services that are paid for, are paid for BECAUSE the rich pay the most. Corporations, that you hate so much, they pay taxes. That's what funds the services, the teachers, etc.
"We will share strategies for ending coporate dominance in our local communities".
Really? How do you plan on doing that? They have a right to be in business. You the Hell are you to tell companies and corporations that they don't have a right to do business? How many people you TEXTING or CALLING on your I-PHONE or BLACKBERRY? Morons!
"We need to demand the end of Billionaires".
How do you plan to do that? Again, who the Hell are you to tell people how much they're allowed to make? If they work hard, why can't they make as much as they can? Because they make so much, they pay the most in taxes. If you're not going to allow them to make what they make, guess what idiot? You have less in tax revenue, and therefore LESS SERVICES BEING PAID FOR. Put down the dope and sober up.
"No private individual is capable of using a billion dollars effieciently or for the betterment of society."
Ok, see above. Aw, screw it. Who the Hell died and made you king? Just because they make a billion and you're too stupid, or I think rather, lazy, to work hard enough to make that kind of money, that doesn't mean they're not using it efficiently, or that it's bettering society. Case in point. Bill Gates. How many millions of dollars has he contributed world wide? If it were not for him, many schools would not have computers (he donates a lot) nor would they have some of their scholarships. Ever hear of the Gates Foundation? They provide lots of scholarships to students, probably many of which are like those in Occupy. Too stupid and lazy to do anything constructive beyond "tax the rich".
So, when you have statements and goals like the above, Occupy loses ALL credability. They tend to be SO insanely jealous of the rich, and much too lazy to earn that much themselves, they MUST attacck the rich. They likely have nothing else to do. I know, many teachers were there as well protesting the cuts. Uh huh. And why were they not in school doing their jobs as teachers? Did they call in just to go to the protest? Kind of like abandoning their job, ain't it? They could just as easily write their congressmen, e-mail them, or call them. If they have a job, there's nothing that compells them to physically go to the protest.
Incidentally, this all happened yesterday. Wonder what today will be like?
In any case, the Washington State Patrol handled this right. They cleared out the rotunda, they cleared out the area where the protesters were. We've all seen how letting Occupy stay for as long as they want, has turned out. Drugs, sex, rape, death, unsanitary conditions (who really wants to see someone take a huge crap or piss on the government's property?) and people who've not showered in forever? The Washington State Patrol handled it right to set boundaries. Period. You can do this, but not this. Period. And, they stuck to it. Good for you Olympia. Good for you!