Thursday, January 28, 2010
Do we really need more proof that the empty suit in the White House is an idiot? Was it me, or did he make a really hollowly subtle attempt at illigitimizing the U.S. Supreme Court? In his State of the Union Address, which has now been picked apart by, well, pretty much everyone, as being factually inaccurate (including the AP which is hardly Conservative!), President Obama disagreed with the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on corporations contributing to political advertising. Now, it's one thing to disagree. However, by saying they did something that will "open the floodgates" to political contributions that Obama doesn't agree with (why, cause the original decision the Court was making involved contributions that resulted in a movie about Hillary Clinton "Hillary: The Movie" being made?) and essentially saying it was the wrong decision, well, you're really saying the Court has gone off its rocker. You're making the Court illegitimate. Do we really want to do that to one third of the government? Cause, if you eliminate that, then really, you're eliminating one of the Checks and Balances created by our Founding Fathers. So then, are ALL Court decisions up to be made illegitimate now? Well then, maybe we should re-examine Roe V. Wade. How about that Obama? Let's reconsider that one, huh? No? Why? Oh, because that's one you agreed with. So, I guess we'll just say every decision Obama disagrees with is an illegitimate decision. Because, he's worked so much harder that a U.S. Supreme Court Justice to get where he is.
Again, it's ok to not agree with a decision the Court has made. That's fine. But, whether you agree with it or not, you have to accept the decision. If you don't and you try to say that the Court made a bad call and were wrong, you're essentially saying there's no point in the Court existing, because you start to call into question their ability t o make decisions. Which, again, if we want to start down that road, let's start with Roe V. Wade then. But, I'm guessing Libs will not want to go that route. And if they're real smart, they'll not back Obama on this stupid comment he made. It opens a can of worms they may not want to see opened. Maybe not today, maybe not in ten years, but someday. I didn't care for Roe V. Wade, but I accept the decision, because the court has legitimate authority. Authority which Obama tried to dismantle last night in his speech.
If you watch the Supreme Court Justices closely, you'll see Sam Alito appearing as though he is physically ill, make a face and shake his head. You'll see Obama's choice, Sonya Sotomayor, sitting dutifully, clearly knowing her place. The others were rather stone faced, showing no emotion as they're supposed to be politically neutral; although we all know better. However, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, did she NOT look like she belonged in a nursing home? I couldn't tell if she were asleep, or dead. I'm not trying to make fun of her here, but good Lord, she looked dead! But again, if Obama is going to treat the Court as though they no longer have authority because he didn't like their decision, well then, it hardly seems to matter if she's dead, doesn't it?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Clinton wanna be!
Watching the State of the Union Speech tonight, I couldn't help but be reminded of Bill Clinton. He was a very charismatic speaker, as is Obama. I noticed President Obama tried to crack many jokes and tie it in with real "substance" to get his message across easier. At one point, early on, I noticed the camera panned on Harry "dingy Harry" Reid. He was yawning. Perhaps Obama should have had an accept to help keep Harry awake.
There were some interesting ideas that I actually agreed with, in the Obama speech. Particularly the part about drilling off shore for oil more safely and developing cleaner burning coal, in addition to "green" energy. Yep, I'm on board with that! In fact, I was on board with it when the Republicans proposed it a couple years ago, but, the Democrats said "no way!". Now, all of a sudden, it's a good idea. And did you see that part about wanting to have safe, clean power and then Obama gave "nuclear power" as an example?! How many times have Republicans suggested that?! And the Libs screamed NO! This is why I feel Obama is a Clinton wanna be. Clinton screamed no at Republican ideas until they took over Congress about the 1994 election, and then, he stole their ideas, spiced them up with his own twist to it, then called them his ideas. How do you think Welfare Reform started? So now, because Obama is suggesting that nuclear power is the way to go, Libs are on board with it! How interesting!
And, because Libs didn't learn anything from Massachusetts yet, Obama still couldn't resist the urge to take swipes at Former President Bush about how he inherited the mess, and the previous 8 years contributed to the mess we're in now. He liked to boast about his Stimulus/Spending plan though! But he wasn't willing to accept responsibility for how it's not worked. Common Sense tells you if unemployment is at 8%, then you pass a nearly $1 trillion "stimulus" plan and unemployment goes up a few months after it's passed and money starts going out, IT DIDN'T WORK! Yet, he refuses to take responsibility for that. No, that's still left over from the previous 8 years. And here we are, a hair over a year into his presidency and still, nothing's his fault. He takes no responsibility for anything. But, he will take credit for stuff passing. But if it didn't work out, well, that's Bush's fault.
He states tonight that he is willing to listen to ANY ideas that Republicans have regarding the health care bill provided it meets certain criteria. Note, he's already putting limits on what he'll listen to. The Republicans have made many suggestions that meet the criteria. The only difference was, it didn't require a government take over (public option/Socialism) to get it. Nope, he didn't like that. In fact, Republicans were not consulted at all for the health care plans as written now. They had NO input, they were not allowed. In fact, Democrats held closed door meetings and locked Republicans out of the room. Obama claims that medical professionals, doctors/nurses, think the health care plan Libs put forward rocks! Really? So, they like how they'll be forced to take less reimbursement for accepting Medicare/Medicaid? Really? Wow, that's pretty interesting. And the part about seniors not having to face cuts? Well, in a way, that's true. My folks didn't have their Medicare cut. They had their premiums go up. By $60 for my father. So, truthfully, that's not a cut. But, it's certainly not a positive!
So, Obama is a Clinton wanna be. He is very charismatic, he talks all nice and sweet to get what he wants. He'll shake your hand, then, stab you in the back with the other hand. This was all quite well known as, "the politics of personal destruction". Clearly, the Libs have learned nothing from Massachusetts where, polls indicated they voted soley on the issue of health care. They have state run health care. Apparently, they don't like it, and don't like Obama-Care. And, most polls also show that. They don't like the care as it's written. Do I want to see Health Insurance Companies continue to screw people over? No. Do I want government to screw people over for health care instead? No.
And, Obama says he doesn't want to really screw with the banks and hurt them. Yet, he wants to go after legitimate businesses (banks) and tell them they don't have a right to give bonuses to their employees of whatever amount they want. It's a private business. You have no right to tell them that. Period. "But they took taxpayer money!" Yes, they did. And, desite what Obama ("you lie!") says, it HAS been paid back. With interest. Henceforth, you can't touch them now. Unless you pass more legislation to regulate them further, and I don't know that you can force them to not hand out whatever bonus they feel is appropriate. The only way you can do that is, take over the banking system. And it's not like the government has any experience running things and taking them over. Except for GM. And Social Security. And Medicare. And Medicare Part D, and Medicaid. And Amtrack. And all those work just peachy.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Note to Dems: you're next.
As we all witnessed this evening, America is very, very tired, of an administration that will not listen to them, that continuously insults them, and continues to refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Scott Brown, in a shocking upset, has won the vacant seat in Massachusetts tonight. We can all be proud of this moment because this was democracy in action. The people of Massachusetts spoke and we will now all have to wait and see if Dems and Libs alike, listen. Given their track record thus far, don't hold your breath! In a seat that was practically ordained, Coakley did not simply walk into the seat as predicted. Nope, but, this is part of the arrogance of the ultra Left in this country. Barney Frank himself had said before the election results was known that Coakley was going to lose because "she can't win on personality" and that "this is a personality contest", and that "Brown is not talking about the issues" becuase he only had a personality. Well Mr. Frank, piss off! Your side lost. I'll be sending him an e-mail with those very words tonight.
You must remember, this is a party, and Administration that has continuously mocked the American people, Demonized them, and called them Racist and Bigoted for disagreeing with President Obama. Because, you can't possibly be disagreeing with him on the issues, so, you must be racist. After all, that is what Janeane Garofalo has said about the Tea Parties. That they were full of Racists because they were disagreeing with a black man. They can't disagree with him on the issues, so, in her sick, twisted, and often ignorant and wrong minded thought process, they must be Racist. Incidentally, assuming her website allows me to post anything, I'll be putting that on her site, those very words. So, America has gotten tired of getting beat up by Libs and this Administration. So tonight, they hit back. Scott Brown said he would not support the current health care bill as it stands now. He's not against health care reform, just not this bill. He was very clear about that. And, he was seemingly elected on that. I would suspect to a much larger degree than Dems and Libs are willing to admit!
Now of course, all the Libs and Dems are blaming Coakley for this. That she's run a bad campaign, that it was all about personality, it had nothing to do with the issues. Yet, as I've already pointed out, this had EVERYTHING to do with the issues. But, what does one expect from a party that REFUSES to accept responsibility for ANY of their actions. They absolutely refuse to accept any responsibilty. Period. Rather than take an honest look and say "gee, why would people not like what we're doing", they blame Coakley. Where is the N.O.W.? A fellow lady, an intelligent one at that, is getting beaten up by a national party, one that NOW aligns with a lot, and they have NOTHING to say! Nothing! Had sad and pathetic. But then again, I have always felt that the NOW should be called the NOLW (National Organization of Liberal Women) since that is what they really stand for. They had no interest in Sarah Palin, only Hillary; which actually goes against their own Mission statement. I've read it, have you?
Even before the results were in, Coakley was, as has the current Administration, blamed former President Bush for the country's woes. There is no acceptance of responsibility for the legislation that President Obama put forth (which he bragged heavily about mind you) in the form of the Stimulus (SPending) bill that he swore if we passed, unemployment would not rise about 8%. Seen the numbers lately? It's 10%. He also swore it would create jobs. It's not. Jobs continue to be lost. Then he said it would save jobs. Hasn't done that either. Jobs continue to be lost. Now, he doesn't say anything about it, we just need to pass a second stimulis. Of course, Libs and Dems like to say "oh, but look at how much President Bush spent in 8 years!" Yep, in 8 years. And President Obama has spent how much in 1 year?! One frickin' year! But again, this is all Bush's fault. Libs and Dems refuse to accept responsibility for their president. Heads up morons YOUR GUY'S BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A YEAR! START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS ACTIONS! HE CAN'T KEEP BLAMING BUSH WHEN HE'S BEEN IN FOR A YEAR, AND HE'S PASSED HIS LEGISLATION THAT HE SAID WOULD HELP THE US! I suppose in 3 more years, they'll continue to blame Bush. Little brains, can't think of anything else I guess. But, I have no expectations for a President that can't speak without a telepromter.
So, now the Demos know they're screwed. Moderate Dems are saying a vote on the health care bill should be stalled. But, watch VERY closely here. I predict they will ram the legislation through knowing it won't pass when Scott Brown gets sworn in. I Triple Dog Dare you guys to do it. If you do, I predict you will seal your coffins in November 2010! The race in Massachusetts is just the start. Heads up Libs. You're next come November 2010. The people have spoken, they don't appreciate being mocked, called racists and lunatics. Hold on to your socks. You're next in November. No Blue State Democrat is safe now.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Watch REAL close here...
Well, we have the special election tomorrow between Marth Coakley and Scott Brown. Coakley, of course, being the Democrat and Brown being the Republican. Now, keep in mind, that most people agree that Democrats rule Massachusetts. Democrats control 100% of the State Legislature. Further, most Democratic strategiest tells us that Democrats out number Republicans 3 to 1. So, given this stuff, how can we explain the race being a dead heat? Seriously, how? According to all logic and reason, she should be really thumping Brown, shouldn't she? But, she's not. Any reason why? Well, for starters, she's gone on record as saying she'd be the critical vote for Obama's take over of American Health Care. From what I've read in the papers and seen on the news, Massachusetts already has a "government run" health care in their state. Which is to say that the government of Massachusetts is quite involved with health care there. Gosh, if it's so great, then wouldn't they want to elect someone who would bring that load of crap to the nation? I would think they'd be drooling all over themselves to see this happen! But yet, it's not.
Polls show that it's a "statistical dead heat" as far as the race goes. Other polls show that Brown is up by a few points. You have some writers of Boston Herald beginning to sound as though they are conceeding the race already! This shouldn't be happening, Coakley should be winning by triple digits (I've heard ACORN is going to be "supporting" the vote, so, I expect the polls would show she'd be winning by triple digits), but she's not. Clearly, the people of Massachusetts, primarily Democrats and Indpendents, are not as excited about her as she'd like to fantasize they are. And of course, you have Obama and other politically savy people saying "oh, this isn't a reflection on Obama and what he's doing". Really? Seriously? Cause, it has that vibe to it. We have a lady that swears she's going to toe the Obama line (lie) and she's not winning. Sounds like a reflection on him to me!
Well, what I'd really like to address here is ACORN. What is ACORN doing? Has anyone been keeping an eye on them? I haven't. The Liberally biased media is distracting us so much with the race and "oh my God, it's a dead heat!" that no one is really paying attention to the organization that has a history of voter fraud, people registering to vote more than once, dead people registering, members of ACORN breaking into houses to keep banks from taking them back because people couldn't afford their mortgage, and seemingly being ok with two people coming into their many offices and pretending to be a pimp and hooker asking to import under age girls for more "hookery" and trying to get federal funds for it, while the ACORN employees seemingly appear to not only be ok with it, but trying to call it something different so it doesn't sound as bad. Notice through that whole thing, ACORN never denied the charges, they said they were going to sue because they were illegally taped. Right. Because, THAT'S the thing we should be worried about here. It was illegally taped. So, am I suggesting the ACORN and the Democrats may try to steal this election? YES! Keep an eye on this organization. Watch to see if votes just "mysteriously" turn up at the last minute and if they "mysteryiously" count for Coakley. After all, this is what happened in Washington State's governor's race when Gregoire was elected the first time. "Mysteriously" votes just seemed to be found in King County (heavily Democratic) at the last minute. Gosh, wonder who those votes went for?
In any case, if Scott Brown gets elected here, the American people will have an opportunity to FINALLY be heard. Most polls show that Americans don't approve of the bills as it stands now. Does that stop the Democrats? No, because November elections are still 10 months away, and they figure people are too stupid to remember come election time. Are you? Are you to stupid? I think a good number of people are, generally speaking, yes. So, we have the opportunity, if Brown gets elected and gets an ACORN free fair election, to force Democrats to open the health care proposal up to Republicans for a change. Up to this point, they've not had any say. Democrats have met behind closed doors, even going to far as to literally lock out Republicans from the room (imagine if Repubicans had done that!). This would force Democrats to allow Republicans to have a say. To allow for their input. What a neat day that'd be! We may have a health care bill that doesn't tax the middle class! I bet lots of middle class folks didn't know they were rich, but guess what, you are! According to Obama you are! Because you probably have a "Cadillac" plan that has good health care benefits now. You have NO right to have such a plan! None, how dare you! So, you'll be punished for that and forced to accept higher premiums, or less benefits, or get the crap taxed out of you (as your employer would be taxed and that will naturally be passed on to you). So, we can stop all of this, re-examine health care reform and do it in a TRULY Bipartisan way (you know, actually have members of both parties in the room, not intentionally locking the door) and come to a compromise. Because, if the health care plan, as it is now, passes, it will be one more thing that Obama has done, that he will not take responsibility for. He wil blame it on Bush, despite the fact that since he's gotten elected, he's passed many things that he claimed he was going to do, and things haven't gotten better. They've gotten worse. Yet, he takes no responsibility for them.
So, let's give Scott Brown a chance in Massachusetts. We've seen what the Democrats will do over the past year. Let's see what a Republican can do for a change. Or, I supposed, you can still support a party that controls everything, takes no responsibility for the consequences, and continues to blame Bush for everything, despite Obama being in power now for about a year!