Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wow! What a policy position!

So, now that Hamas has been declared the winner for a few days, have they any policy directions that they want to make known? Have they any thoughts on what they wish to accomplish? Well, the question of will they back off from their statements of calling for the destruction of Israel has been raised. Their response? Nope. They still want to see Israel destroyed! Imagine, what an incredible foreign policy decision. Ok, what would you like to do with Israel? Well, destroy them. That's it. I bet Hamas and Iran both get along real well. They both have a great hatred for Israel.

What's more, Hamas seems to think that continuing with the Homicide bombings is ok. Yep, that's good. It's ok to kill innocent Jews, including children, because the Jews are targeting Palestinian terrorists. So naturally, that gives the Palestinian terrorists the right to kill innocent Jews and Jewish children! So, their official policy decision so far is to continue to kill Jews and to continue to call for the destruction of Israel. Now, to add insult to injury, they also want the world to give them more money to continue to suuport the Palestinian government. Ok, so, they want democracies to give money to a group of terrorists to continue to kill Jews. Yep, that makes sense to me. So, I'm guessing that the Democratic Party will be calling for the U.S. Government to be "more open-minded" and give a terrorist group a chance to show they've changed. Sure, all the while they refuse to renounce violence against Israel.

Currently, the U.S. Government is saying they are considering pulling funding to the Palestinian government. I think this would be appropriate. After all, how can you, in good conscience, give money to a government that still believes destroying Israel is the right thing to do? I think the U.S. government, and other world governments, should think very carefully about their decision to financially support the new Hamas controlled Palestinian Government. For, if they choose to support it, and Hamas continues their mission in the killing of Jews, then certainly, the blood will also be on the hands of those world governments too.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

All Hail the New Terrorist Government!

So, Hamas has now won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Government? That's great. Let's put a bunch of terrorist, who have previously said they want Jews dead, in charge of the government. Now, Hamas won 76 of the 132 seats in Parliament. So, in effect, they will control the government. Mahmoud Abbas, the current Palestinian Leader said that the ultimate goal is still peace with Israel. However, how can one have peace when the new ruling party has made it perfectly clear that they want Israel and the Jews gone, they want them dead, and, they are willing to use Homicide Bombers (not suicide, because the bombers goal is to kill as many Jews as possible. Henceforth, they are committing an act of Homicide, not suicide. This will be a difficult thing for Liberals to come to terms with, but, give it your best shot.) to accomplish their goals.

Now, the acting leader of Israel, Ehud Olmert, says that he will not recognize any new government that has Hamas members in it. President Bush has gone on to say basically the same thing. He has made it clear that the U.S. will not deal with a government controlled by Hamas because they are regarded as a Terrorist Organization and they use violence to achieve his goals. I'm waiting for the Liberals to start attacking President Bush on this. They will say he's not even willing to give the Hamas controlled government a chance to demonstrate their good faith in government and working towards a peace plan in the Middle East. They will say that President Bush should at least give them the benfit of the doubt in talking with them, to be open to what they have to say, that kind of crap. Never mind all of the previous killing that members of Hamas has done in the past. And, as Ted Kennedy and Liberals in the Alito Senate Hearings have demonstrated with their new standard, if you belong to a group, you are guilty of all of the wrong that group has done simply because you are a member of that group. In Alito's case, he belong to that Princeton Alumni group, and, because they wrote some articles years after Alito graduated and was done with Princeton, then Alito is just as guilty because he belong to that group at one time. This is the new standard that Democrats have set, so, let it be! Let's honor their new standard, even if it counts against them as I pointed out in a previous column. I stated that since Robert "KKK" Byrd was a former member of the KKK, then because all Democrats are simply that, Democrats, then using the new stadard set by Democrats, all Democrats must be racist! So here it is the same with members of Hamas. Certain of their members have engaged in acts of violence to achieve their goals against the Jews. Now, they are in complete power in the Palestinian Government, so, it is fair to say that those in power will have no less goals than to exterminate the Jews. How can one thing otherwise? Based on past actions, what else can one conclude?

President Bush and the Acting Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, are perfectly right in refusing to acknowledge or deal with the new government of the Palestinians. They should not be regarded as legitimate. There is no reason to trust them either. The next few months shall be interesting indeed. Of course, the Liberals will defend the new Palestinian Government and scream at President Bush as to how close minded he is. Well, if Liberals will support a Terrorist Group as the New Government of the Palestinians, then one can only come to one conclusion. THe Liberals must hate the Jews and Israel just as much as the Palestinians and Hamas. After all, you've got a group that has professed hatred for the Jews. Now they're in power. There is no reason to believe they will behave honorably. Put another way, let's take a Level III Sex Offender whose crimes are against small children. Let's put him in charge of a Day Care. Would Liberals really be tolerant enough to entrust their children to this vile creature? "Oh, you're comparing apples and oranges" I can hear them cry now! No! I'm comparing one group that should not be trust in a power or "in charge" position with that of another. Granted, Hamas never molested children as far as I know, but, they did kill innocent children didn't they? Not to mention lots of other innocent Jews. There has been killing on both sides that's true. But, it can be argued that Israel has acted with great restraint in the past. And, they've given up sacred lands to Jews in order to help the peace process move forward. Even Hamas has to admit, didn't see that one comin'.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just Can't Ever Win!

Recently, Hillary Clinton has commented on the situation with Iran. She recently said that President Bush has wasted too much time trying to get other countries to do the work for us. Apparently, when President Bush consults with other countries and tries to get them to put pressure on Iran as well, that's a bad thing because President Bush is not taking action himself.

Excuse me, but, didn't most Democrats rip President Bush a new one for not consulting with other countries prior to going into Iraq? However, he did just that. He even took several steps and consulted with the U.N. If anything, that was a huge waste of time! About the only good that was achieved out of it was that the United States clearly demonstrated how worthless, inefficient and useless the United Nations is.

Now, we have President Bush doing what most Democrats cried about in Iraq, building a "coalition" of sorts to try to work together to confront Iran and encourage them to stop their trek down the road to nuclear capacities. Does anyone REALLY believe they want to use it for electricity? I mean really. This is the same country that cries about how bad and evil the United States is, and how Israel should be wiped off the map. This last comment coming directly from the Prime Minister of Iran himself. As indicated in a previous column, the Prime Minister of Iran envisions a world without Zionism and Jews. With statements like this, does anyone REALLY believe that Iran has peaceful intentions in their question to develop nuclear capabilities? Only a moronic Left Winger would trust them. If it were left up to the modern day Left Winger, Hitler would never have been stopped. He would have been allowed to crush France (actually, that wouldn't be such a bad thing and I'm sure it wouldn't have taken more than a couple of hours tops), and completely kill all the Jews. Then again, Libs are more "pro Middle Eastern" than "pro Jewish" anyway. I'm sure the Jews would have been required to undergo "sensitivity training" if it had been up to the Libs as they were being exterminated. I can see it now "oh no, you are just being too narrow minded about how badly the Germans want to kill you! You must be more open minded about such things! It's your fault, you're projecting too much negativity on them!"

In any case, here we have Madame Hillary saying that President Bush has screwed up because he hasn't taken action soon enough. Well, what exactly does she want President Bush to do? Oddly enough, she had no plans of her own. She simply said that he should have acted promptly. The fact that he has used diplomatic means apparently is inexcusable. Well, I guess now that we have Hillary's permission to act, then it must be ok! Just goes to show, President Bush can't win either way. If he acts too quickly, he's screwing up. If he tries to take a more diplomatic approach as Democrats scream he should do, he screws up. He just can't win!

Out of all the countries involved in this at this time, Israel has the most to worry about. The Prime Minister has basically called for the complete destruction of Israel and the eradication of all the Jews. Plus, he's made it clear that he has no intention of bowing to pressure and stopping the development of nuclear capabilities. And hey, even the big name Libs are saying something should be done now! We all need to mark on the calendar the day Hillary said this. As we all know, Democrats say one thing, then, regardless of what they said, they will deny it later, even when their own words are presented to them.

Well, what should Israel do? They are the ones that should be the most worried about this whole thing? Well, they successfully took out Iraq's nuclear development in the early to mid-80's, right? Well, they certainly have the ability to do it again right? Great, more power to them! Iran has even gone to such length to put their developments under ground so as to prevent Israel from destroying it. Fine, then I guess Israel needs to get a little tougher then huh? I say, the U.S. should simply stand back and allow Israel whatever it needs to do to protect itself from an obvious threat. Or, would the Libs have Israel go through some "sensitivity training"?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Democrats in the Alito Hearings--stupid, drunk racists!

Having watched the Confirmation hearings for Judge Alito, I came away with the idea that the Democrats are all drunk, stupid racists! That's quite a comment, so, I'll break it down to where it makes sense.

First, drunk. Ted Kennedy (need we say more here?) began the hearings refering to Judge Alito as "Ali-oto". Now, the Democrats make fun of President Bush all the time for the way he pronounces things and how he speaks, yet, Kennedy gets a free pass from the Liberally Biased Media. How is it that the press and Democrats can make fun of Bush all the time for the way he pronounces "nuclear", but, nothing whatsoever is mentioned about how Kennedy pronounced "Alito" as "Ali-oto"? Had this been a Conservative mis-pronouncing a Liberal's name like that, there would be demands for an apology! So, why aren't people demanding the same thing of Kennedy?! Why does this stupid drunk get a free pass? President Bush is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser (Libs always make light of how he used cocaine in college), and that's ok as far as the Democrats go. Ok, that's fine. Kennedy used to abuse alcohol too. I will no longer refer to Kennedy as just that. I will no always refer to him additionally, as a stupid drunk! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

The stupid drunk Kennedy made such a fit about the group, CAP (Concerned Alumni of Princeton) and how some of their writings in their magazine (The Prospect) appeared to be racist. The Stupid Drunk Kennedy went so far as to paint Alito as a racist because he belong to this group, and the articles were writting in a magazine in which he did not write articles. Basically, according to the stupid drunk Kennedy, Alito was guilty by association. Ok, that's fine. That's a new standard the Democrats want? Fine. Robert "KKK" Byrd was a former KKK Klansman, so, since all Democrats are associated to him by political party (including the stupid drunk Kennedy), then I guess all Democrats and including the stupid drunk Kennedy, are racists! Ok, thanks for the new standard Democrats and the stupid drunk Kennedy. You've set the new standard, and I for one, intend to hold you to it too!

After the stupid drunk Kennedy through a fit about the whole CAP and the Prospect thing, in which he also challenged Senator Spector (the Chairman of the Committee) and tried to take the committee over and force it into Executive Session (a thing which woke up the normally nominally asleep Spector) because he demanded to see The Prospect documents to try to connect Alito to the articles written as well as try to connect some level of racism on his part, the stupid drunk Kennedy and his stupid drunk staff found------NOTHING! No connection whatsoever! Was the stupid drunk Kennedy forced to apologize? NO! It's time we demand the stupid drunk Kennedy to apolotize to Alito and his wife (who was driven to tears for the stupid drunk Kennedy's hate filled remarks).

It is clear from these preceedings that the Democrats will do anything to derail the Confirmation Hearings of Alito. They are not interested in how good of a justice he would make. They are only concerned about painting him as horribly as possible so that they can desparately hold onto a last grasp of something that they can claim power too. The courts are all Liberals have left. They are not able and compentant enough to win elections any more, they can't convince people that they have any plans, idea or thoughts about how to do things that will make the country better than it already is, so, they just stomp on those that would make it better in order to try to make themselves look better. If Libs can't look better, they're gonna make darn sure that others will look as bad as them! Bravo Liberals! Bravo Democrats! The American Bar Association conducted extensive interviews of about 300 people that know Alito and it was determined that he was highly qualified. Something that used to mean something to Democrats, unless of course, a Conservative is up for the job. Then, it means nothing. I sincerely hope that all Americans were able to see the hate parade that the Democrats put on during these hearings. I expect that none of the Democrats on the committee will vote to confirm Alito to the full Senate vote. Thankfully, the Conservatives will carry the needed vote! If the Democrats try to fillibuster, I think it will be entirely correct to change the Senate rules to get Alito confirmed! Thank God that the Democrats showed their true hate filled colors! I wish they'd do it more often, then perhaps, they would be voted into obscurity!

Monday, January 02, 2006

When people no longer treasure reading......

What is happening in our society when studies show that there is a significant decline in reading? As a substitute teacher, I frequently hear kids talking about the latest movie they saw, or listening to a cd once their work is completed. Whenever they have free time, this is how they spend it. Out of every class I have taught, maybe one or two kids I will find reading a book. It appears that most kids would be interested in watching tv, listening to music or watching a movie.

It is a sad time in our society when reading is no longer valued and cherished. According to a government study titled "Reading at Risk: A survey of Literary Reading in America", "less than half of the adult population now reads literature, and these trends reflect a larger decline in other sorts of reading." Less than half! Yet, bookstores seem to do well in our society. Is it possible that less than half of the American population is keeping bookstores going? I can see it being possible. If less than half of the population is reading and loves reading, they will continuously be buying books. If they do this on a continuous basis, I think it's entirely possible to keep America's bookstores going. That is, the new bookstores. What about the used bookstores however? I know of at least one here locally that just isn't cutting the mustard any longer. Their business has been in doubt for about a year. I tend to frequent it, however, whenever I do go in, there are only a handful at a time. Granted, that is only one time of the day however.

Among the age group having the greatest decline was 18-24 year old adults. The decline for this group, says the government study, was 55% This is particularly frightening given that these young adults will grow up and likely become parents at some point. If these young adults are losing interest in reading, will they, in fact, encourage it in their children? Sociologically speaking, the family is the largest socialization factor in a child's life. As the child gets older, they may find other sources to have greater influence on them, but, the family is still the largest factor for a few years.

The government study examines what is to blame for the drop off in reading. Undoubtedly, you may be able to guess several of the themes. We are living in a world of the internet, e-mail and digital television and movies. This, according to Dawn Vaughn president of the American Association of School Librarians. However, she does all she can at her school in Denver, Colorado to encourage reading. The library there allows students to check out unlimited numbers of books throughout summer. This, she says, has increased participation from 150 students to 500 in just three years time. That's quite a significant jump to be truthful. These clearly are kids that are interested in reading. Many schools, however, may not have the ability to fund such things. Many schools may not have the funds to keep a school library open all summer much less pay a staff to be there. However, this is where public libaries can really put in an effort to boost reading. Many public libaries have summer programs to try to get kids interested in reading, and, they should be congratulated for that!

However, many kids are still parking in front of the tv, the computer or their video game play system instead of reading. Reading is apparently not as cool as the latest video games. However, it is these competing forces that librarians hope to use to be able to engage kids in reading. Kids who are engaged in reading will become adults who are engaged in reading. Adults who are engaged in reading will likely encourage their children to read as well.

However, there is more to this than simply trying to encourage kids to read. There are certainly many examples of books out there that have encouraged children to read. The most prominant example is the Harry Potter books. Kids have increased their reading because of this one series of books. They are frequently used in schools now to encourage reading. Even the first book is as popular at the newest one at the book check out desk.

However, adults who do not read, likely do so for many of the same reasons that many children don't read. They have too many other things to compete with to take time to read. Many see reading as boring, it takes too long, perhaps they don't have great reading skills. However, adults who engage in literacy programs to gain better skills not only become better readers, they have many other positive outcomes as well including: obtaining better paying jobs, raising their self esteem, becoming more involved in their families and communities and tend to vote more, according to a report published by Pro-Literacy America.

However, getting back strictly to adults and reading, many adults would rather watch a movie than read a book. Reading a book takes too long, it's too detailed, it's boring. However, reading is better than most Hollywood movies. Why? Simply because a human's imagination is better than anything any Hollywood director, producer or movie company can put together! We, as humans, can imagine so much more than what is visually presented to us through many different mediums including digital animation, video game graphics, television and movies.

Plus, how many times have you read a book, then saw a movie of the same book, then were disappointed with the movie because it wasn't the way you were picturing it when you were reading it? Most people who don't read tend to like the movie and say a movie goes quicker than a book anyway. But why not try reading anyway? Why do you take a story as the director sees it? Why do you allow them to dictate how they want you to see something? Why not allow yourself to mentally picture it for yourself?

Many say that books are not cheap. Well, if you compare the price of a book to going to the movie once, then yes, books are more expensive. But, a movie is usually done in a couple of hours. Not many people read so quickly as to finish a book in two hours. For most readers, it takes several days, maybe a week or two to complete a book. That's cheap entertainment. But, it's one that allows you to become interested in a story, allows you to picture the events for yourself and allows you to engage your mind in some good old fashioned imagination.

One doesn't have to get books that are brand new. Used bookstores are a tresure trove of good reading. Many books are still in good condidtion, and, cheap. Plus, many people recycle those books by trading them back in for other books. Some of the books are books that you just can't find elsewhere. Or, you may be able to find that book that you haven't seen in years and hadn't given thought to until you saw it there in that used bookstore.

It is laregely underestimated how important reading is for everyone. Reading is definitly in decline. It is not seen as being as valuable as it used to be. That is a sad thing in our society. Everyone deserves to read a good book. Reading is something that should be fun and relaxing. Before tv and movies became widespread, it was another way of escaping your everyday complicated world. In a world that is becoming increasingly complicated, and tv and movies having poorly written stories as well as poor character development and detail, reading is something we can turn to, to better spend our time.

So why not? Expand your imagination. Spend some quiet time doing something that you will enjoy, and, who knows? Maybe you'll learn something too. Pick up a book. Start reading America, you'll never know how good it is until you try!