Wow! What a policy position!

So, now that Hamas has been declared the winner for a few days, have they any policy directions that they want to make known? Have they any thoughts on what they wish to accomplish? Well, the question of will they back off from their statements of calling for the destruction of Israel has been raised. Their response? Nope. They still want to see Israel destroyed! Imagine, what an incredible foreign policy decision. Ok, what would you like to do with Israel? Well, destroy them. That's it. I bet Hamas and Iran both get along real well. They both have a great hatred for Israel.
What's more, Hamas seems to think that continuing with the Homicide bombings is ok. Yep, that's good. It's ok to kill innocent Jews, including children, because the Jews are targeting Palestinian terrorists. So naturally, that gives the Palestinian terrorists the right to kill innocent Jews and Jewish children! So, their official policy decision so far is to continue to kill Jews and to continue to call for the destruction of Israel. Now, to add insult to injury, they also want the world to give them more money to continue to suuport the Palestinian government. Ok, so, they want democracies to give money to a group of terrorists to continue to kill Jews. Yep, that makes sense to me. So, I'm guessing that the Democratic Party will be calling for the U.S. Government to be "more open-minded" and give a terrorist group a chance to show they've changed. Sure, all the while they refuse to renounce violence against Israel.
Currently, the U.S. Government is saying they are considering pulling funding to the Palestinian government. I think this would be appropriate. After all, how can you, in good conscience, give money to a government that still believes destroying Israel is the right thing to do? I think the U.S. government, and other world governments, should think very carefully about their decision to financially support the new Hamas controlled Palestinian Government. For, if they choose to support it, and Hamas continues their mission in the killing of Jews, then certainly, the blood will also be on the hands of those world governments too.
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