Monday, December 05, 2005

Apparently, they STILL don't get it!

Whenever I talk to people about the hypocrisy of the Left what with their quotes that I have written about in the past regarding WMD and how dangerous Saddam was and how those quotes seem to fall into line with what President Bush was saying before the Iraq War, I've been told a couple of different things. First, I'm told that the Democrats didn't lead us into war. So, it doesn't matter if they believed the same thing because they didn't lead us into war. Really? So, apparently, you're only held accountable if you're leading the U.S. into war? So, if you vote for the war, you're not actually being held accountable because you're not physically leading (or perhaps symbolically leading?) the U.S. into war. But, you're voting for the war. Actually, let me re-phrase that. The Democrats actually voted for the "authorization for the use of force". Well, what's war if not a use of force? I mean really. I'll stop calling Libs morons when they demonstrate to me that they have the actual ability to think!

Ok, the second thing I'm usually told is that it is SO brave of these Democrats to stand up to this President and his administration and admit their mistake and so by having the hypocrisy of their quotes from before the war started and their quotes now denouncing it and screaming about how there never were any Weapons of Mass Destruction is a brave thing. They're being brave because they're admitting to their mistake. Really? Wow, I've never heard them admit to a mistake. What they do say however, is that President Bush lied, he got faulty intelligence and he re-worked it such that he could just go ahead with the war anyway. How many times have we heard Al Gore, Howard Dean, John Kerry, Charles "up-chuck" Schummer, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid talk about how Bush mis-lead the country, how he lied, how he played on our fears or some other such nonsense so that Bush could get his war? You hear it often. If you watch any of the network news stations, CNN or MSNBC they you probably hear it several times a week if not daily! Do they say that President Bush was mistaken? Nope. Why? Because Bush LIED! See, how it works is, the Democrats were "mistaken" while President Bush "lied". In the eyes of the Democrats, President Bush can't be mistaken, he can only lie. But at the same time, in the eyes of the Democrats, they're mistaken, they'd never lie! Incidentally, this second accusation comes from readers of the Liberal Rag of a paper here in Yakima, Washington called "The Yakima Herald Republic". Another reader, while not attacking me, attempted to punch holes in my argument about all the quotes by saying that they (the Democrats) were mistaken and what they did was incredibly brave to stand up and admit that. This, despite the fact that, they've not admitted anything. They simply say that Bush lied. That there were no WMD's and that the intelligence was faulty. Rather than blaming themselves, they blame Bush and the intelligence he received. So, it wasn't actually their mistake, it was President Bush's and the intelligence's mistake. That way, they come off smellin' like a rose. Well, something certainly smells, and it's not anything like a rose!

One last thought to leave you all with. How many times have we heard the Democrats attack the President and infer that he's not particularly intelligent? That he's just not as bright as one would think? Interesting, isn't it? If President Bush really isn't all that bright, and the Democrats are the only real smart ones, how then was President Bush able to fool the Democrats into voting for the "authorization for the use of force"? It would seem that President Bush is WAY smarter than the Democrats are willing to admit, or, the Democrats are WAY dumber than President Bush if they bought his "lie". So Democrats and Liberals, which is it?


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