Hollywood NEEDS Serenity!

If you are like me, perhaps you find yourself getting tired of all the crap that Hollywood puts out there for our viewing entertainment. I have grown quite tired of the crap they pass out to us, and think we'll be interested in. Over the last year or so, I have often wondered, "has Hollywood run completely out of ideas?" We have seen many movies that have been re-made, the most recent that come to mind are "the longest yard" and "the bad news bears". Why are these movies being re-made? What's the point? The writers in Hollywood had nothing else to do, so they thought they'd rip off another movie and tweak the script just enough that the moron movie goers would give it a pass? Worse yet, are those movies that are re-made just enough that it's essentially the same movie, just more modernized. The best example I can think of is "Guess who?" which is a re-make of "Guess who's coming to dinner?" Rather than having a black man coming to the home of a white family, it is now a white man coming to the home of a black family. Wow, that's what I call originality!
Then, of course, we have all the movies that are made from TV shows! The Beverly Hillbillies, Bewitched, The Honeymooners and the Dukes of Hazard are the best examples here. Incidentally, I've read recently that "I dream of Genie" is in development. Great. From what I understand, Jessica Alba is interested in the lead role of Genie and she'll most certainly be baring more than Barbara Eden ever did. Great, a soft core porn flick! What a way to pay homage to a TV show! So, I guess we'll be seeing "All in the Family" and "the Jeffersons" eventually? Clearly, when you begin making movies out of TV shows, you're running out of ideas!
So, what should Hollywood be doing? Well, how about some original ideas for a change? Case in point, the movie Serenity. It is a movie that picks up promptly where the TV show "Firefly" left off. You may (or may not) remember that Firefly was a short lived television show from 2003 that was on the Fox Network channel. The TV show, much like the movie, was quite original and, Hollywood just couldn't have that!
Seriously, the TV show was a science fiction show combined with a Western Theme. It takes place 500 years in the future, and, in the future, everyone is bi-lingual. "oh, English/Spanish" you're thinking. Wrong. English/Chinese! Bet you didn't see THAT one coming! Now, tell me THAT'S not original! How did Joss Weddon (Firefly and Serenity creator) come up with that? Granted, he was pretty original with the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, but, this was a bit of a different move for him.
The movie picks up, as I said, where the TV show left off. The show was cancelled not because it wasn't popular, but rather, just out of the blue. Because the fans demanded it to return, a movie was written and produced. It is quite an original story that pitches humor, sci-fi, westerns and action all in one story. It is truly well written, with meaningful dialogue and a concrete story that definitely holds your interest. Nothing is predictable perse, but keeps you jumping and interested in what's happening. Plus, there are some deaths by the end of the movie that do not infer a happy ending.
The only way that we, as movie goers, can expect Hollywood to produce better, more entertaining and more well written scripts, is to support those types of movies when they do come out. So, I ask you one thing. Support the new movie Serenity. I don't think you'll be disappointed, and, you can honestly say, you've not seen anything quite like it. Please go see this movie and send a message to Hollywood that the same old crap, just won't do. We want something original and well written. We want Serenity!
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