When will it end?!

When will the double standard of Hollywood Elitist Liberal scumbags end? They have no problem attacking President Bush for a variety of things and blaming him and his administration for everything. However, they're so unwiliing to blame anyone else on the otherside of the aisle. Apparently, Democrats can't do any wrong. At a recent event (9/18/05) at the Katrina Jazz Concert, which was a relief fund raiser, many Hollywood Elitists turned from helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina to serving their own master; namely, bashing the current administration. Apparently, since Hollywood movies have really taken a hit this last summer, they really don't have anything else to do! So, why not just talk a bunch of crap, because, there's always the chance that if you say it often enough, someone will eventually believe it!
Actor Danny Glover said to a live audience "When the hurricane struck, it did not turn the region into a Third World country ... it revealed one." Then, Glover and Harry Bellafonte (oh yes, our favorite moron of the wacky Left!), then proceeded to criticize the government for their response to the Katrina Hurricane, as well as the conditions before it landed! How is this President Bush's fault? Why is not Mayor Ray Nagin not responsible for ANY of this?! It's his city. Can't he do anything to help alleviate poverty in his own city? Now, for those of you who don't know much about Mayor Ray Nagin, here's two things you need do know, which also would explain why he gets off scott free from blame. He's a Democrat, and, he's Black. Henceforth, he bares no responsibility. Nothing is his fault, even though he is in charge of the city. Even though he knew the hurricane was coming, even though he did not ask for any Federal help initially before the hurricane hit, even though he had 30 buses that could have been used to help evacuate the poor Black people that Kanye West claims President Bush doesn't care about. Even though he claims he couldn't find bus drivers days before the hurricane hit, even though he's in charge of New Orleans. Well, what's that say about how Mayor Nagin cares for the poor Black folks in New Orleans? Doesn't Mayor Nagin bare some responsibility for the deplorable conditions in which poor Black folks found themselves in, in New Oreleans? If he really wanted to make improvements to his city, why on earth didn't he look into HUD grants to help alleviate poverty in that part of the city? Why didn't he look into Federal Grants to help alleviate poverty in that area? Certainly he could have found Federal and State grants to fund job training to help those poor people help themselves by getting them trained for a good paying job? Doesn't he want these poor folks to get training to help make their lives better? After all, that's what we can infer is it not? According to Kanye West, President Bush doesn't like black people because he was so slow to move to help them. Well gee Kanye, if Mayor Nagin didn't do anything to help these people out of poverty whatsoever, then it seems he doesn't care about the poor black folks in his city. It seems as though we could say he doesn't care aobut them, he's forgotten them because he didn't do anything to help them. But, has ANYONE heard ANY Democrat, Hollywood Elitist or ANY Liberal bash Mayor Nagin over any of this? I haven't heard a thing. Nor have I heard any criticism over Governor Blanco about her lack of doing anything. Certainly she had access to the same weather and storm predicitions that everyone else had right? I mean, it's a big storm that was going to hit and hurt her state right? So, why didn't she do anything? Why is she not held responsible? Could it have anything to do with the fact that she's....a Democrat? Hey Danny Glover, how come Governor Blanco doesn't have any responsibility to bare in the whole "third world country" being revealed that you were talking about on the 18th of September? Why are you not offering her any criticism? I'd love to know! Is it cause she's a Democrat Danny? Hmmm? Just have the guts to say it man, it's cause she's a Democrat! Just have the guts to say it. Don't be afraid to do it! Those of us with some intelligence already know that's the reason why. Just have the guts to say it man!
Also, Bette Midler had some harsh words for President Bush regarding the hurricane and global warming and Fox News! Basically, she said that there were many disasters that we were surrounded with including hurricanes, global warming and Fox News. Ok, so she doesn't like Fox News. Why? Because it's not Liberally biased? Because it's not CNN that has a Liberal slant on everything? Why? Because it's not Air America Liberal talk radio which is apparently on the verge of collapse according to Bill O'Reily on the O'Reily Factor? Apparently, Liberals decry name calling when it's thrown at them, but, when it's their turn to do it, it's free speech, but how dare anyone name call Liberals and limit their free speech!
Here's the plan folks. This is how you can have your free speech and let Liberals (especially Hollywood and music Liberals!) know you don't agree with what they say! Don't go see their movies. Don't buy their music. Hit them where it counts, the pocketbook. Oh, you're not limiting their free speech at all, despite what they may scream at you. They're free to say whatever putrid hatred they desire, as much as they want, as long as they want. But now, they can't take your right to your freedom of speech away from you! You can respond by just not seeing their movies, watching their tv shows or buying their music. Post blogs criticizing them, write advertisers on tv shows that you won't buy their products because they advertise during a certain show that has a certain actor/actress on it, or, write the network and tell them. We can fight back. You have the power. Don't give up. One person can make a difference. I refuse to see any movie that has Johnny Depp in it. He's a bleeding heart Liberal that's been extraordinarily critical of President Bush in the past. Has his movie career been hurt? Not necessarily, but, I refuse to pay to see any movie he's in. He won't profit from me! And, I will not ever buy any cd by any Pearl Jam or the Dixie Chicks. I just won't do it. In fact, when both bands were critical of President Bush, I sold all the music I had from them. I don't want it in my house any longer. There was one concernt where Pearl Jam was critical of the President, and impaled a mask bearing his face on a microphone stand. I sent a letter of complaint to the FBI that I felt Eddie Vedder was making a threatening statement against President Bush. Did Pearl Jam get in trouble? Not as far as I know. But, I can at least rest assured that I did something. I complained to someone, I tried to do something that I thought was right. At some point, these Hollywood, music or other famous Liberals need to be aware that we don't have to listen to what they say anymore. There are times for appropriate speech, and times for inappropriate speech. Spewing hate towards the Bush Administration during a fund raising effort for Katrina victims or at a concert is not appropriate!
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