Who's responsible?

There has been much finger pointing in the media about who is to blame for the Hurricane Katrina debacle. So far, most Democrats are blaming President Bush for it. The response was too slow they say, he should have acted faster they say. Granted, it was a natural disaster on a monumental level, and rightly so, the Federal Government should be involved in the effort to help those who survived. President Bush has even gone so far as to accept responsibility for the blame. A very intriguing move I think. I noticed the two who should have been involved firstly, namely Major Nagin and Governor Blanco were quite silent on accepting responsibility for acting to slow on the response after the hurricane hit. However, not to be outdone by a Republican, Governor Blanco publicly accepted responsibility for her part in screwing up to the response to the Hurricane Katrina debacle shortly after President Bush accepted responsibility. I have yet to hear Mayor Nagin to accept any responsibility for anything. He was the one who should have responded first! He's the mayor of New Orleans for crying out loud. The hurricane was predicted to hit the area several days in advance, plus, with each new day in its approach, the prediction became graver! Yet, what did Mayor Nagin do to prepare? Hmmm? Anyone know? Has that been publicized in the media? I haven't seen anything out there about it. However, it is now quite well known that 30 school buses that could have been used, were not used. Granted, it could not have saved everyone, but, lets say you could stuff 50 people in each bus. And, this is theoretical, maybe 50 isn't reasonable, but, it's a nice round number. That's 1,500 people that could have been saved! I would say, 1,500 is pretty significant. Some of those poor folks who couldn't afford cars to get out, I can understand that. How else can you get out? Well, it seems to me, that would fall on the mayor. How did he plan to get those people out? Was this mayor so incompetent that he had no plan? You had Kanye West, the rapper of the moment, inappropriately telling America at the fund-raising event that President Bush doesn't care about black people simply because he didn't respond fast enough. Well Kanye, what say you now that you know that a Black Democrat apparently didn't do anything, days in advance of this hurricane? Do you have a comment for Mr. Nagin? Where's your criticism of him? Hmmm? Maybe Mr. West doesn't feel compelled to criticize either the mayor or the governor because they're both Democrats. I wonder why Mr. West hasn't commented on how the governor and mayor apparently didn't care for Black people because of their incompetantness in this matter.
Of course, we now have a plan to rebuild New Orleans. Is this really a good idea? Part of it is still below sea level. So, what sense would it make to rebuild in the same area? According to Senator Graham, $60 billion has been appropriated so far to rebuild New Orleans. Most all politicians acknowledge it will definitely take more. According to Gramham, he's heard the number $200 billion floated around. That's a huge sum of money. The question is, who's going to monitor that money and how it's spent? Do we trust Mayor Nagin, who did nothing essentially, or Governor Blanco, who also was quite slow to act? Neither of these two "local" figures did anything to really help people prior to the hurricane and were quite slow to act afterwards. They screamed at the Feds to get involved. Ok, that's fine. If this is the case, I say, don't trust either of these two individuals to handle that money. There is too much risk involved for corruption. Not that the Feds are above corruption. However, since both individuals screamed for the Feds to get involved, and now they are, lets turn it over to the Feds and let them make sure the money goes to where it's supposed to, and, to help those it's supposed to. Both the Mayor and Governor have, at best, demonstrated they're not exactly competent in this whole mess. Throwing more money at them and saying "oh, I'm sure they'll get it right now" is not the way to see if they're competent. The voters of New Orleans and Louisiana should hold these two individuals accountable for what they've done, and more importantly, not done in this matter. And if the Democrats want to go pointing fingers at who is at fault for what, I'm got the names of two of their own to start with. Let's hear Bill Clinton and other prominent Democrats offer some criticism of these two folks too. Boy, the silence sure is deafening!
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