Are the Democrats pro-terrorist?

I came across an interesting article today on Fox News' website that sparked a thought. Is it possible to negotiate with terrorists? Do people of faith, outside of Muslims, have a right to exist? How do Democrats really feel about Israel and their right to exist? Do they side with Israel, or the terrorists? That's a question they should be asked point blank, and, it should be made very clear to them, that you will be recording what they say in response to this question so that everyone will know how they responded to it. Plus, they won't be able to lie their way out of it either! So, what was the article that spawned all of this thought? (You can read it here,2933,173491,00.html)
As some of you may, or may not, remember, there was a new President elected to the government of Iran. He was, for the most part, described as a "hard liner". There was even some question by some Americans held during the Iranian Hostage Crisis that this new President was involved in the holding of American hostages. I am trying to remember how Democrats responded to this accusation, but honestly, can't remember at this time how they responded to it. I would like to say that they dismissed the accusation. However, I'm not actually sure if that was reality, or just wishful thinking on my part so that I could later say "See?! The Democrats really are pro-terrorist!" So, I shall give them the benefit of the doubt, even if they likely don't deserve it.
The article was about the new President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who, as I said, is often described as a "hard liner". He had some very interesting comments regarding Israel recently when he spoke to some students in Iran at a "World without Zionism" conference that he was speaking at. Particularly, President Ahmadinejad said that "Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map". He is advocating wiping Israel off the face of the map. He wants them destroyed, period. He is not saying they should be re-located, he is not saying they should be punished for how they are treating the Palestinians (how could the Jews be so horrible to them after all. To think that Jews feel they have a right to defend themselves against Muslim terrorists like Hamas!).
President Ahmadinejad didn't have a favorable opinion of any Muslim neighbor nations that acknowledged Israel as having a right to exist. In fact, he stated "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury,". Now, I believe it's Democrats that love trying to reason with terrorists and to give in to them so that we can just buy peace so as to avoid any bloodshed. After all, we shouldn't stand up to terrorists. Rather, we should try to just give them what they want so as to give them a reason to leave us alone. Basically, pacify them. Well, it doesn't seem as though President Ahmadinejad is interested in peaceful co-existence here. Rather, he seems like he's pretty direct and straight forward about how he feels about Israel. It doesn't seem as though he can be reasoned with. He's stated pretty clear that he doesn't like Israel, and, that he doesn't acknowledge their right to exist, and, that they should be wiped off the face of the map. Could a Democrat please tell me where there's room to be tolerant with this guy, or with terrorists in general, or, where there's room to try to pacify the terrorists and reason things out with them? Cause, it just doesn't seem like he's interested in that, but, I'm open to any options any Liberals may have. Perhaps we should send Jimmy Carter and Jessie Jackson on over and I'm sure those two can convince President Ahmadinejad to see the errors of his ways.
However, Israel has given up an awful lot to try to make peace with the Palestinians, haven't they? After all, they've evacuated the Gaza Strip right? I remember seeing all the Jews (granted, some were forced out) evacuate the Gaza Strip so that Israel could, in good faith, try to advance peace. What has this gotten Israel so far? Well, some more terrorist homicide bombings for starters. And now of course, you've got this nut from Iran calling for their utter destruction. Exactly how much more should the Jews give up before intelligent people wake up and realize, there's no reasoning with terrorists? It's not possible, they're not interested in it. They either get things their way, or, they target you. Period.
Regarding the Palestinian homicide bombings President Ahmadinejad stated "there is no doubt that the new wave in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot from the face of the Islamic world." So, he is pro-terrorist as well. Seems like the Democrats have a friend in President Ahmadinejad doesn't it. Maybe Hillary Clinton will be making a trip there to talk about cultural differences soon (a disguised effort to really do some campaign fund raising I'm sure!). I remember when Hillary announced that she was part Jewish while she was running for the Senate in New York. Given President Ahmadnejad's feelings about Jews, she may want to keep that prophetic thought to herself. But then again, she's Super Hillary. No matter what comes at her and Bill, they're kinda like Jason Vorhees. They can't be stopped. Nothing can hurt them.
Now, let's think back to why the U.S. has problems with Iran anyway. They state they want a nuclear facility so they can generate electricity. Despite the fact that they have an insane amount of oil they're sitting on in order to generate power. So, what other reason would they have for nuclear power? Hmmm. Maybe to create weapons that would wipe Israel off the map? Hmmmm. Could be. Where do the Democrats fall on this issue? Does anyone know? Are they pro-terrorist, or pro-Israel. We know they're not Pro-Life, so, perhaps one can assume they're pro-terrorist because the terrorists (in this case, Iran) want to wipe out Israel. So, I guess we can call them pro-terrorist in this instance.
Getting back to Iran and Israel though, both the Spanish and French Foreign Ministers condemned the comments that the Iranian President made. Wow. That's great, I'm sure that'll fix President Ahmadnejad's little red wagon won't it? Keep in mind though, Spain bowed down to terrorist threats to pull out of Iraq, they did so, then nearly got bombed anyway. France, well, we're all still waiting for France to do something other than bend over yelling "THANK YOU SIR! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?!
Another interesting tid-bit here is that Iran regularly supports Palestinian terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad. And, Iran has increased the accuracy of their Shahab-3 missiles. It has increased the range from 810 miles to more than 1,200 miles, and is now capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to Israel and U.S. forces in the Middle East. So again I ask, where do the Democrats and Liberals stand on this issue of both pacifying terrorists and trying to reason with them, while at the same time looking at Iran as a possible threat in terms of nuclear weapons? Let's get it straight, write it down, then throw that in their face each day they try to flip flop. It is clear that Iran, as a terrorist supporting nation, is not interested in being reasoned with, and I don't see how we can pacify them. They know what they want. They want Israel and Jews dead, period. How much does Israel and the Jews need to put up with before they throw the gloves off and say "bring it on, we WILL defend ourselves!" After all, Israel does have nukes too. And, it was Israel that took on 6 Muslim nations all at the same time, in the Six Day War of about 1948 I believe, and, they beat every one. They were fighting a war on 6 fronts, and won. If the U.S. were to stand back and say "Israel, do what you must", there is no doubt in my mind that they'd have the Palestinians wiped off the planet in about an hour. Iran? probably half a day, but, no more than one day. If the U.S. were to stand back and let Israel do what they want. And you know what? What right does the U.S. have to keep Israel from doing that to being with? We shouldn't determine their destiny. Only Israel should. It's clear what Iran's intentions are. It's clear that good faith intentions on Israel's part are not working. So, do Democrats and Liberals acknowledge the right of Israel to defend themselves, or, are they pro-terrorist?
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