The RIGHT choice?

President Bush now has made his choice for his next U.S. Supreme Court nominee. Harriet Miers. The question is she a qualified individual. She's been a lawyer for a number of years, so, she has experience on the other side of the bench. Certainly, she would be capable of getting at the core of an argument and asking the appropriate questions that need to be asked to come to an informed decision based on the U.S. Constitution. She's argued cases in front of judges before, so, she knows about making a good argument and a bad one. This is a very valuable tool when being a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. However, was she the RIGHT choice?
Let's not forget, Senator Harry Reid was one senator who brought this woman up. Senator "up" Chuck Schummer did not sound so negative to her as he did to Judge Roberts. Many Democrats, in fact, seem to think she's not such a bad choice. If this doesn't frighten you, it should! When many Democrats seem to be in favor of her so quickly, we should all be worried! Not that the Democrats should be spitting blood, but, it just seems as though they like her a bit too much. We don't know much about her. We know there certainly were more Conservative choices available to President Bush. Some Hispanic were disappointed that President Bush did not take advantage of this pivotal point in history whereby he could have made history by choosing a Hispanic for the nomination; something which I agree with. I know that President Bush did have a handful of Hispanic choices available, one of which was a woman. Why did he not choose this person? I would have rather that he did. I am nervous that Harriet Miers could be another David Souter. As you may remember, he appeared Conservative, but as we have found out, he is quite Liberal! He is the one who was the swing vote on the "eminent domain" issue that was before the court recently. You know, the one that says the government (any governmental body be it local, state or federal) can take your property if they feel they can develop it into something that will garner them more in property taxes or other tax revenue.
The question remains, who is Harriet Miers. I would have rathered that President Bush picked a known Conservative, not one that we know so little about. Plus, the fact that Harriet Miers has no judicial experience bothers me. I feel that President Bush should withdraw his nomination of Harriet Miers and choose the first Hispanic Female on the U.S. Supreme Court instead. The president had better choices available to him that had been known Conservatives as well as had more judicial experience. After all, when Democrats seem to like the nominee more than Conservatives, we have to ask oursevles about the choice of the nominee. Is she the RIGHT choice, or, the LEFT choice? I urge you to contact your senator ( and express your views to them. We can only hope that Harriet Miers does not get confirmed, and, hope that a true Conservative is then picked. Please contact President Bush and let him know how you feel at
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