France-shining example for all of Europe....

Anyone who still believes France is not incompetent must be a Liberal. We are now, I believe as of this writing, in our 13th day of violent, terrorizing riots in France. As of this morning (U.S. Time), there have been about 5,000 cars torched, with 1,200 of them torched (and when I say torched, I mean destroyed completely) yesterday (12th Day of rioting).
Naturally, Libs have cited that this problem is France's fault. If France just paid more attention to these poor immigrant French Arabs, then this would not be a problem. France now, is even citing that they could have done a better job in integrating the rioting French Arabs into French Society. I'm not sure how that can be done, but, let us consider it as something that is possible. These immigrants have the potential to work, that is, they are capable. Granted, perhaps France has not done enough for them in terms of housing. However, how is it France's responsibility to ensure they have adequate housing? Do these immigrants not have any responsibility to alter their own destinies? After all, they can work, they can save money, they can look for more affordable housing or health care. They could certainly do things to positively affect their own destinies, could they not? Why the reliance on the French Government to do everything for them? Well, probably because France is a Socialist Government. Because it is a Socialist Government, there is more reliance upon them by the citizens to do things for them. I'm sure they also pay a hefty tax as well for this "benefit" if you can call being too lazy that your government has to do everything for you a "benefit".
The media say that there is a lot of discrimination against some of these immigrants, many of which are from Africa and many are also of the Islamic faith. However, the way to overcome this discrimination is not to start rioting. That will change nothing. They will gain sympathy from no one. By saying that they're just expressing their frustration through rioting, committing acts of violence and destroying personal and public property is to minimize what they're doing in this rioting. Even some Muslim leaders are trying to calm things down stating that what they're doing will not change anything, and, it is not the way to get their voices heard. Rather, if they have the ability to vote, contact your representative and go that route in terms of getting things changed. Hold public information meetings and educate the public on what is going on that effects your community, how it's effecting your community and what you'd like to see done. By being peaceful about it and trying to educate others in France about it, you're likely to gain some sympathy and it would likely make a good story for the local media. Henceforth, you'd get nation wide attention.
However, instead, the immigrants, many (but not all) of which are Muslims, and young at that, would rather torch private cars, school buses, hospitals and schools. One 61 year old man was even beaten into a coma while he was trying to extinguish a person's car that was on fire! How do these youths feel their voices are going to be positively heard that way? There is no excuse for what they are doing, period. There is no reasonable excuse for it.
But, how did this start? Well, apparently, three Muslim youths thought they were being chased by French Police, ran from them (if they weren't guilty of anything, then, why'd they run?), hid in a power sub station and two of the three were accidently electrocuted. Now, I'm not sure about France, but I can't imagine it'd be much different than here in the U.S. But, I would think a Power Sub Station would have a fence around it to keep people from getting in there. It may or may not have had barbed wire, who knows? The point is, they knowingly scaled a fence to get into this area that was clearly restricted. They knew it was a power station and that it could be dangerous. Despite knowing this, they made a CHOICE of their own free will to do it and scale the fence, and hide somewhere where they knew it would be dangerous. After the first two youths were electrocuted, the third was taken into custody and questioned. He admitted that they knew what they were doing, and that they were hiding somewhere where there was an element of risk involved, knowing they could be electrocuted. So, this riot really should have much to do with the present situation of these three youths. The kids did wrong, they made their own choices and there were consequences for those choices. Two of the three paid those consequences. It's too bad they died, but, they did everything they did knowing the possible consequences. So, why's the French Government getting the blame?
This whole thing should not have progressed past this incident involving the three youths. Instead, it was used as an excuse to address these other issues. That however, often happens. Something has to happen in order for awareness to be brought to something for those issues to be addressed. However, by burning cars, school buses, hospitals, schools, nursery schools and shooting at cops (not to mention throwing Molotov Cocktails at them!), your message is lost. You've gone from "we've got issues to address" to "we're gonna riot to express our frustration and you have to give us what we want or change things the way we want." Well, they're essentially using terrorist tactics in order to bring about change. When such violence is used to gain change, and, people are afraid for their safety, then, you're terrorizing them in order to get what you want or to get something changed. That's it, end of story. I don't care what society or country you live in, you don't have that right to do that!
There is no reason this should be going on for 13 days (presently). Someone in the French Government was recently quoted as saying "if we don't do something about these riots soon, it may get out of hand." Really? Well, I think it's a bit late for that genius! This should not have lasted 13 days! It shouldn't have lasted more than 2 days really. The second cars and school buses were getting torched, martial law should have been imposed. Give those who are inciting terror, reason to be afraid. The government should declare that if anyone is caught torching a car, school bus, hospital, school, shooting at a cop or causing harm to any private or public property or hurting someone else, they will be shot on sight and we will shoot to kill. It is difficult to comprehend the audacity that France has to be tolerant of their police officers getting shot at and to allow a 61 year old innocent male to become so injured as to be in a coma (I believe the man has since died as a result of his wounds as of this writing) as opposed to dealing with the situation. Now, France is imposing a curfew. If that's not Chirac with a "deer caught in the headlights" action, I don't know what is! You've done nothing to make the rioters feel like you're any threat to them. Why would they be afraid of a curfew? Oh, they'll face home detention, a fine, or jail time. Yep, I can see them shaking now. They hate their home, they have no money (according to them) and in jail they'd get free health care, better fed and perhaps a better place to stay than where they are currently. What's to fear?! At one point, the riots spread to 300 cities, and I understand that now that has decreased to under 250 cities. Well thank God! It's no longer 300 cities, but, it's still almost 250 cities!When it's that high, does it really matter how far down the number has come? Chirac does not have plans to move in the army. Well, thank God for that! France might really be done-in if the army goes in! Now, the rioting is spread to other countries as well. As of this writing, it is now occurring in Belgium, Denmark and Germany. To what extent, I do not know, but it apparently is occurring in a handful of locations in those countries.
France needs to really clamp down on these riots. Martial Law needs to be imposed. If they had dealt with it effectively from the get go, this would not be a problem after 13 days! If they're caught doing an act of violence or some terroristic activity, they should be shot on sight, period. Some claim that since the number of riots, cars being torched and cities that are having riots is going down, then, the riots must be abating. Not necessarily so! Maybe this is a lull in the storm! Everything has cycles to it. There are ups and downs to everything. Just because it's slowing down now, does not mean it will continue to do so in the future. We can all hope for that, but we should be breath a sigh of relief just yet!
It appears that France, being the incompetent country it is, is trying to be tolerant of this violent, terroristic activity. Once again, France wants to talk their way out of this! Rather than deal with the situation, let's talk it out. Well, if that's the case, I suggest they use the above picture as their new Crisis Alert System! Incidentally, they sell shirts, coffee mugs and all kinds of things with this logo on it at . Based on the most recent activity on France's part, it seems they're at the "Surrender" stage, or the Orange level.
I wonder, if this happened in America, what would the Libs do? Would they act like France? Or, would gun owners be allowed to protect themselves, their families, their property, their schools and their hospitals? Certainly, there is a lot of poverty, and claimed discrimination, in the U.S. and, you don't see near the violence on any level that you're seeing in France. Perhaps, the immigrants rioting in France know the French Government better than we do in the U.S.!
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