They had their "put up or shut up" didn't they

Well, the Democrats have been screaming for a period of time about how the U.S. should pull out of Iraq immediately. How we shouldn't even be there, the President lied about the intelligence, despite the fact that the Democrats both believed the same thing, and, saw the same intelligence. Regardless of what morons like John Kerry and Harry Reid say, they did, in fact, see the same intelligence. Or perhaps, it should be said, they had ACCESS to the same intelligence. If they were "too busy" to read it, that's their problem. That's not the problem of the President. Perhaps they should read their intelligence briefings or pay better attention.
It all started when Rep. Jack Murtha, a Democrat from Pennsylvania called for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. Actually, he wanted them withdrawn "at the earliest possible predictable date." So, in the eyes of the Democrats, this translates into "right now". So, it put the Democrats in the position of "putting up" or "shutting up". They wanted a vote on the issue, and, Democrats were granted their wish! In just a hair over 24 hours, their wish was granted, and, they had the opportunity to vote on the issue! It put them in a very awkward position! Do they expose themselves for the anti-war and anti-military people they are and appeal to the Far Left and certain segments of voters, or, would they support the war until the end and see it through which may anger the Far Left and that certain segment of voters? Well, if they voted for the resolution, one can surmise they'd easily look like cowards (which they most certainly are for cutting and running) and extremely short sighted (they won't even talk about the schools we've built, how Iraq has a better electrical and sewage system than they've had in the past, how they now have had multiple democratic elections, written a new Constitution and are experiencing freedom for the first time!). Rather the opposite. They claim that once we pull out, the terrorist bombings there will miraculously cease! Apparently, appeasing the terrorists will work, according to the Democrats. But, they won't even phrase it that way. Rather, they'll talk about the failures of America in Iraq and continue to attack the President and not give him credit for anything he does there that is good (see above mentioned items).
So, here the Democrats had an opportunity to voice their outrage about the Iraq war, at least in the House. And what happened pray tell? The measure was overwhelmingly defeated by a vote of 403 to 3. So, only 3 Democrats had the guts to scream their anti-military rhetoric in the form of their vote on this resolution. How pathetic! Well, they were faced with what they wanted, a vote on the issue, and what did they do? They voted against their own position! Of course now, the Democrats are screaming that the Republicans are playing politics with the issue. Why? Because they gave you exactly what you wanted? They gave you the vote that you asked for? That's playing politics? Well, considering Democrat's words before the vote (pull out now!) to after the vote (oh no! We don't think pulling out now is a good idea!). THAT'S politics! They were forced to "put up or shut up" and they blame Republicans for putting them in that position! Then don't ask to be put in that position morons! Careful what you wish for, you may just get it!
Now, in the Senate, we have Barack Obama is now calling for a troop reduction. He apparently is wanting a similar vote in the Senate, is he? Well, give it to them! Obviously, the genius Democrats in the Senate learned nothing from those in the House, so, let's give them their vote! Let's see if the Democrats are willing to put their vote on record concerning their position on an immediate pull out or reduction of troops. Let's get it in writing! But beware! There's a "two faced" area ahead on this! Hillary has already gone on record (right after the House vote) as saying pulling out now would be a "big mistake". Oh, so, is she trying to set herself up to look good for her 2008 Presidential run by being on both sides of the issue? Looks that way. If the Democrats in the Senate want a vote on immediate troop withdrawal or troop reduction in Iraq, let's give them their vote! It's time to "put up or shut up" Democrats. Let's get a vote on this issue! Write your senator now and tell them you want a vote, on record, on this issue!
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