Ain't nothin' new!

Have you noticed how the Liberals are really decrying President Bush for "spying on Americans" covertly and violating people's "Civil Liberties"? They sure do get awful loud about it don't they? Well, wouldn't it be a real hoot if President Bush wasn't the only one doing something that seemingly violated someone's Civil Liberties? Well, hoot it up! Cause, it's happened and the Liberally biased Media isn't telling you about it! Nor are the usual suspects of Democrats (namely Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Reid to name a few) talking about it.
Here's some interesting info. In 1994, Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick said "The Department of Justice believes -- and the case law supports -- that the president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes and that the president may, as he has done, delegate this authority to the attorney general. That same authority pertains to electronic surveillance such as wiretaps." She said this in testimony to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. So, Clinton engaged in it. In fact, in 1993, President Clinton provided one of the greatest examples of warrentless searches by searching the home of a former CIA officer, Alderich Ames, who was spying for Russia in 1993. The evidence gathered led Ames to plead guilty.
In 1994, President Clinton expanded the warrentless searches by including domestic surveillance to include intelligence gathering that had no foreign intelligence value at all. So, he was in favor of spying on Americans for no particular reason? Not quite, but it would seem so, wouldn't it? He tried to get support for it by saying he wanted it for a new policy on quelling highly violent activity in public housing projects. Didn't hear about this on CBS, ABC, NBC or CNN? What a shock! Seems the non-Liberally biased media is taking to censoring the news!
In 1978, President Carter made use of these warrentless searches as well. He, and Attorney General Griffin B. Bell used them to investigate two men spying for the Vietnamese Government. Further, also in 1978, both Congress and President Carter created FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) which created a secret court to hear foreign surveillance cases and required Federal Agents to get approval on most cases before conducting surveillance. However, recently, this same secret court stated that "they have long held the belief that the President did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information."
So, what do we know from all of this? Clearly, the Federal Government and the President have a long history of doing things that appear to violate Civil Liberties? That it's been done before and that the modern day Liberal doesn't seem to want you to know about it. Nor does the mainstream media seem to want you to know about it. In fact, I would go so far as to say that not only is the mainstream media not talking about these other examples, whom are democrats, but, they're intentionally censoring this news! Way beyond Liberal Media Bias! So, before you go believin' that what President Bush is doing is new, think again! It's not. Does that make it right? Not necessarily. However, Liberals need to stop crying about what Bush is doing like it's new and 'fess up to some interesting facts. Those in their party have done the same thing! So, what Bush is doing, it ain't nothin' new! Write your people in D.C. and tell them, they're not foolin' anyone. You know President Carter and Clinton have done similar things, so, stop coverin' that crap up!
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