Democrats in the Alito Hearings--stupid, drunk racists!

Having watched the Confirmation hearings for Judge Alito, I came away with the idea that the Democrats are all drunk, stupid racists! That's quite a comment, so, I'll break it down to where it makes sense.
First, drunk. Ted Kennedy (need we say more here?) began the hearings refering to Judge Alito as "Ali-oto". Now, the Democrats make fun of President Bush all the time for the way he pronounces things and how he speaks, yet, Kennedy gets a free pass from the Liberally Biased Media. How is it that the press and Democrats can make fun of Bush all the time for the way he pronounces "nuclear", but, nothing whatsoever is mentioned about how Kennedy pronounced "Alito" as "Ali-oto"? Had this been a Conservative mis-pronouncing a Liberal's name like that, there would be demands for an apology! So, why aren't people demanding the same thing of Kennedy?! Why does this stupid drunk get a free pass? President Bush is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser (Libs always make light of how he used cocaine in college), and that's ok as far as the Democrats go. Ok, that's fine. Kennedy used to abuse alcohol too. I will no longer refer to Kennedy as just that. I will no always refer to him additionally, as a stupid drunk! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!
The stupid drunk Kennedy made such a fit about the group, CAP (Concerned Alumni of Princeton) and how some of their writings in their magazine (The Prospect) appeared to be racist. The Stupid Drunk Kennedy went so far as to paint Alito as a racist because he belong to this group, and the articles were writting in a magazine in which he did not write articles. Basically, according to the stupid drunk Kennedy, Alito was guilty by association. Ok, that's fine. That's a new standard the Democrats want? Fine. Robert "KKK" Byrd was a former KKK Klansman, so, since all Democrats are associated to him by political party (including the stupid drunk Kennedy), then I guess all Democrats and including the stupid drunk Kennedy, are racists! Ok, thanks for the new standard Democrats and the stupid drunk Kennedy. You've set the new standard, and I for one, intend to hold you to it too!
After the stupid drunk Kennedy through a fit about the whole CAP and the Prospect thing, in which he also challenged Senator Spector (the Chairman of the Committee) and tried to take the committee over and force it into Executive Session (a thing which woke up the normally nominally asleep Spector) because he demanded to see The Prospect documents to try to connect Alito to the articles written as well as try to connect some level of racism on his part, the stupid drunk Kennedy and his stupid drunk staff found------NOTHING! No connection whatsoever! Was the stupid drunk Kennedy forced to apologize? NO! It's time we demand the stupid drunk Kennedy to apolotize to Alito and his wife (who was driven to tears for the stupid drunk Kennedy's hate filled remarks).
It is clear from these preceedings that the Democrats will do anything to derail the Confirmation Hearings of Alito. They are not interested in how good of a justice he would make. They are only concerned about painting him as horribly as possible so that they can desparately hold onto a last grasp of something that they can claim power too. The courts are all Liberals have left. They are not able and compentant enough to win elections any more, they can't convince people that they have any plans, idea or thoughts about how to do things that will make the country better than it already is, so, they just stomp on those that would make it better in order to try to make themselves look better. If Libs can't look better, they're gonna make darn sure that others will look as bad as them! Bravo Liberals! Bravo Democrats! The American Bar Association conducted extensive interviews of about 300 people that know Alito and it was determined that he was highly qualified. Something that used to mean something to Democrats, unless of course, a Conservative is up for the job. Then, it means nothing. I sincerely hope that all Americans were able to see the hate parade that the Democrats put on during these hearings. I expect that none of the Democrats on the committee will vote to confirm Alito to the full Senate vote. Thankfully, the Conservatives will carry the needed vote! If the Democrats try to fillibuster, I think it will be entirely correct to change the Senate rules to get Alito confirmed! Thank God that the Democrats showed their true hate filled colors! I wish they'd do it more often, then perhaps, they would be voted into obscurity!
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