Christmas is not a violation of church and state separation!

I'm sure you've heard about the "war on Christmas" that was hyped by the media, both Liberal (the majority of the media) and Conservative (thankfully we have this, as an outlet from the crap from the Left) outlets. Usually, it is poised in such a fashion that one is led to believe that it is a violation of the "separation of church and state" concept that Liberals claim is in the U.S. Constitution and in a letter that is frequently cited as proof that the Founding Fathers wanted no religion in American society. This concept, as it is in the U.S. Constitution is of course, absurd. The First Amendment, if Liberals actually read it rather than twisted its words, prohibits the establishment of religion, and also allows for the free exercise thereof. In other words, the United States can't have a national religion. They can't say that one religion is acceptable or more acceptable, over another. They can't favor a particular religion. This is usually the argument that is made when Liberals are perceived as "bashing Christmas" or starting a "war on Christmas".
Well, let's think back to when this country started. Why did people come here to begin with? Well, to escape religious persecution. Why were they running from religious persecution? Because England created a "national religion". Remember? It was called the Church of England. Why was it created? Well, remember that King who wanted a divorce and the Catholic church said "NO!"? Well, that's why the Church of England came into being. Henceforth, the establishment of a religion. This is what the Founding Fathers intended when they said "no establishment of religion". In other words, if the United States had a Church of the United States, then, the Liberals could complain all they wanted too! And, I would agree with them. However, one cannot ignore the fact that the United States was founded on religious freedom. Simply because you celebrate Christmas does not mean that you're favoring Christianity. It is a celebration! It's part of U.S. History. For a couple of hundred years, the United States has celebrated this holiday. And now, the last five years or less all of a sudden by celebrating it as a national holiday, we have Liberals who are SO offended by it? Amazing! Why is it that only in the last few years, this has been a problem. The country seems to have been fine for the first couple of hundred years plus, why now is it a problem?
So, for those of us that take Christmas as a more personal celebration, of course we feel that our faith is being attacked. We attach meaning to the holiday above and beyond the national sense. So, when Liberals attack the day as a religious holiday, which many Americans probably don't even think about that part of it. For them, it's about the gifts and family and friends getting together. The rest of us do take offense to the fact that they are trying to prohibit so many aspects of Christmas. They want to change the name to "Happy holidays" or "seasons greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas". So, interesting how that dosn't infringe on our right to freely practice our religion. Thankfully, those that wish to protect the holiday are beginning to realize that litigation can work both ways. While some made find themselves being litigated for supporting "christmas", others are finding themselves being litigated for not supporting "christmas". Particularly, I find this in terms of school districts. They want to take away certain Christmas songs because of their religious conotation. They may have a religious conotation, but, they are appreciated for their Christmas value. I would be willing to bet that most kids don't even think of religious conotation when it comes to the song!
So, there has been this big war brewing about Christmas. There has been much Legislative bickering regarding this. It has been set up as "you're either for Christmas, or against it". Well, that's fine. I think that's the way it should be. Again, the separation of church and state revolves around the concept of the establishment of a national religion, like a national church. Which, the United States does not have. We allow for anyone to practice their religion, or to not practice if they so choose. The Liberals want no religion in society that may give the appearance of "government favoritism", which, completely molests the concept of the prohibition of the establishment of a religion. Well, having no religion in society, how far of a stretch is that from practicing "atheism"? That's the belief in nothing. Or, being Agnostic, the belief in a higher power, but you're not ready or willing to acknowledge it by a specific name. So, by taking this route, essentionally, you're favoring these two belief systems. Or at least, one of them. That's not cool, but, Liberals seem to be ok with it. Well then, by your own definition, why are you not violating the First Amendment by favoring one belief system over another? Because, you essentially are favoring them.
So in Congress, a resolution was put out there in the House of Representatives. The Resolution, specifically, says:
Whereas Christmas is a national holiday celebrated on December 25; and
Whereas the Framers intended that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States would prohibit the establishment of religion, not prohibit any mention of religion or reference to God in civic dialog: Now, therefore be it resolved, that the House of Representatives –
(1) Recognizes the importance of the symbols and traditions of Christmas;
(2) Strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas; and
(3) Expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions, for those who celebrate Christmas.
In the most basic terms, do you support or not support Christmas? The vast majority of Republicans and Democrats supported this measure. If you celebrated Christmas in a way that takes into account the spiritual meaning of the holiday, this measure acknowledged that the House of Representatives supported your doing that; again, if that's what you did, if you chose to. Well, there were 22 Democrats that refused to support this measure. I will list below those 22 Democrats who refused to support it. Since Democrats often twist people's words in that if you're not for what they're for, then you're obviously against it then; I will take that position here. I will go so far as to say that they are violating my First Amendment Right to freely practice my religion and I believe they're in violation of the First Amendment, and, should at the very minimum, be censured for it, and have that published in the Congressional Record. Although, this vote on this particular resolution is officially in Congressional Record as it is. Below, find the 22 Democrats who are anti-Christmas. Feel free to write and e-mail them and ask them why. What do they have against Christmas and me celebrating it in the way I choose?
Congressman Party-State District
Ackerman D-NY 5th
Blumenauer D-OR 3rd
Capps D-CA 23rd
Cleaver D-MO 5th
DeGette D-CO 1st
Harman D-CA 36th
Hastings D-FL 23rd
Honda D-CA 15th
Lee D-CA 9th
Lewis D-GA 5th
McDermott D-WA 7th
Miller, George D-CA 7th
Moore D-WI 4th
Moran D-VA 8th
Payne D-NJ 10th
Rush D-IL 1st
Schakowsky D-IL 9th
Scott D-VA 3rd
Stark D-CA 13th
Wasserman Schultz D-FL 20th
Wexler D-FL 19th
Woolsey D-CA 6th
Those of us in Washington State, will not be suprised about Representative McDermott (aka, Bagdad Jim) and the way he voted on this particular resolution. After all, he is from the People's Republic of Seattle and represents their Communistic views.
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