All Hail the New Terrorist Government!

So, Hamas has now won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Government? That's great. Let's put a bunch of terrorist, who have previously said they want Jews dead, in charge of the government. Now, Hamas won 76 of the 132 seats in Parliament. So, in effect, they will control the government. Mahmoud Abbas, the current Palestinian Leader said that the ultimate goal is still peace with Israel. However, how can one have peace when the new ruling party has made it perfectly clear that they want Israel and the Jews gone, they want them dead, and, they are willing to use Homicide Bombers (not suicide, because the bombers goal is to kill as many Jews as possible. Henceforth, they are committing an act of Homicide, not suicide. This will be a difficult thing for Liberals to come to terms with, but, give it your best shot.) to accomplish their goals.
Now, the acting leader of Israel, Ehud Olmert, says that he will not recognize any new government that has Hamas members in it. President Bush has gone on to say basically the same thing. He has made it clear that the U.S. will not deal with a government controlled by Hamas because they are regarded as a Terrorist Organization and they use violence to achieve his goals. I'm waiting for the Liberals to start attacking President Bush on this. They will say he's not even willing to give the Hamas controlled government a chance to demonstrate their good faith in government and working towards a peace plan in the Middle East. They will say that President Bush should at least give them the benfit of the doubt in talking with them, to be open to what they have to say, that kind of crap. Never mind all of the previous killing that members of Hamas has done in the past. And, as Ted Kennedy and Liberals in the Alito Senate Hearings have demonstrated with their new standard, if you belong to a group, you are guilty of all of the wrong that group has done simply because you are a member of that group. In Alito's case, he belong to that Princeton Alumni group, and, because they wrote some articles years after Alito graduated and was done with Princeton, then Alito is just as guilty because he belong to that group at one time. This is the new standard that Democrats have set, so, let it be! Let's honor their new standard, even if it counts against them as I pointed out in a previous column. I stated that since Robert "KKK" Byrd was a former member of the KKK, then because all Democrats are simply that, Democrats, then using the new stadard set by Democrats, all Democrats must be racist! So here it is the same with members of Hamas. Certain of their members have engaged in acts of violence to achieve their goals against the Jews. Now, they are in complete power in the Palestinian Government, so, it is fair to say that those in power will have no less goals than to exterminate the Jews. How can one thing otherwise? Based on past actions, what else can one conclude?
President Bush and the Acting Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, are perfectly right in refusing to acknowledge or deal with the new government of the Palestinians. They should not be regarded as legitimate. There is no reason to trust them either. The next few months shall be interesting indeed. Of course, the Liberals will defend the new Palestinian Government and scream at President Bush as to how close minded he is. Well, if Liberals will support a Terrorist Group as the New Government of the Palestinians, then one can only come to one conclusion. THe Liberals must hate the Jews and Israel just as much as the Palestinians and Hamas. After all, you've got a group that has professed hatred for the Jews. Now they're in power. There is no reason to believe they will behave honorably. Put another way, let's take a Level III Sex Offender whose crimes are against small children. Let's put him in charge of a Day Care. Would Liberals really be tolerant enough to entrust their children to this vile creature? "Oh, you're comparing apples and oranges" I can hear them cry now! No! I'm comparing one group that should not be trust in a power or "in charge" position with that of another. Granted, Hamas never molested children as far as I know, but, they did kill innocent children didn't they? Not to mention lots of other innocent Jews. There has been killing on both sides that's true. But, it can be argued that Israel has acted with great restraint in the past. And, they've given up sacred lands to Jews in order to help the peace process move forward. Even Hamas has to admit, didn't see that one comin'.
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