Just looks REAL bad.....

Although I do find myself trusting President Bush on most of his decisions, I find myself conflicted on this issue of the UAE (United Arab Emerates) taking over control of six of our U.S. Ports. Rather, it's a company that's owned by the UAE that will take control over them. As I understand it, the U.S. Customs and Coast Guard will still be responsible for security for the ports, the UAE, Dubai Ports World, will simply be operating the ports. Regardless of the assurances, I still do not like this idea. There have been allegations that the UAE, while they apparently have been a staunch allay in our War on Terror, helped to financially support Al Qaeda and did back the Taliban. I find that disturbing. They may be our allies now, but, there is just some disturbing information about them in general right now.
President Bush is correct in saying, however, that we don't want to send mixed signals to our allies. This, I think, is primarily because a British company is in control of the six ports currently. There may be a little bit of Racial Profiling here in terms an Arab company looking to take over these ports. Although I've not heard such allegations made yet, I think that should not be ruled out. But then again, all the terrorists on Sept. 11th were Middle Eastern folks. So, in this case, is it wrong to say no to this company just because of its geographical location? It certainly makes me feel uneasy. However, I feel more comfortable feeling uneasy about it knowing the allegations against the UAE concerning their support of terror in the past. At least that way, I can have a clear conscience when I oppose this measure.
I am glad to know that President Bush claims his administration seriously examined this company before hand and that it is not a "fly by night" type of company, however, my worries are not alleviated. I do not appreciate President Bush saying I should not "fret" over it. I would very much like to fret over it. I do trust the President with security in what he has done so far, but, on this issue, I disagree with President Bush and feel it's the wrong move for him to make.
I am glad to see that both Republicans and Democrats are coming together on this, and, setting Partisan Politics aside here. President Bush vows to veto any bill that would make it illegal to allow a foreign owned company to take over operations of any port in the U.S. I can honestly say I'm glad to see the parties coming together on this. I am confident that, should President Bush veto this bill, that there will be enough votes to over-ride his veto on this.
I do not feel that the UAE should be taking over these ports. I think it's a bad choice, and, given the opposition to it, I think President Bush is making the wrong choice here. Part of leading, however, is doing what is sometimes necessary, but unpopular. So, the questions should be asked, is this necessary? I don't think it is.
I urge you to contact your Representatives and Senators in Congress and express your views on this. Go to www.house.gov or www.senate.gov and contact your people in Congress. Your people need to hear from you on this. If you oppose this, express that, if you support it, express that. Make your voice be heard. Also contact President Bush at the White House and express your views to him. www.whitehouse.gov