Don't blow crap up in the name of Mohammod and maybe you won't be depicted that way......

Isn't it interesting that the Muslim World is SO outraged over the depiction of the Prophet Mohammod wearing a Turbin that is essentially a bomb with a lit fuse that is burning. Myself, I would be incredibly offended if anyone depicted Jesus in a negative way as well. I'll address this issue in a second. So, from this aspect, the cartoon is offensive. However, let's look at the modern Muslim World, shall we? We have Muslim terrorists all over the world waging war on Americans, waging war on U.S. troops and on Jews in Israel. Many Muslim terrorists are commiting acts of homicide (although described by them as suicide) by blowing themselves up with bombs to kill innocent people. Many are doing such in Israel with the intent of killing as many Jews as possible. Many are doing it to our troops in Iraq right now. The 9/11 terrorist hijackers, in fact, did the same thing when they flew planes into the World Trade Center. All of this is done in a "Jihad" against the West. Against Americans. Against our friends in other countries. This is all done in the name of Islam, and henceforth, in the name of Allah and the Prophet Mohammod. So, from this aspect, why is the controversial cartoon (pictured above) so outrageous to the Muslim people of the world? This is what your religion is fast becoming due mostly to the fanatics that you are allowing to hijack your faith.
Millions of Muslims are simply sitting back and not speaking up when Muslim terrorists are killing innocents in the name of Islam. They say nothing, they don't condem it, they don't speak out against it and say it's wrong. Rather, the opposite. You have radical Muslim Clerics who are actually encouraging these acts of murder. So, if the moderate Muslims are not speaking out against it, then how are people of other faiths and others throughout the world supposed to see Islam any differently than in that controversial cartoon? Because of these Radical Muslim Terrorists, Islam is evolving into a group of terrorists that willingly commit acts of murder against non-Muslims. It would then seem that the cartoon was entirely appropriate. Rather than rioting and destroying more property (which just reinforces the thoughts behind the cartoon as far as I'm concerned), why do the Moderate Muslims not step forward and demand calm and peaceful protests? Granted, a handful of more moderat Muslim Clerics have stepped forward and called for calm, but, by leaps and bounds not enough! If Moderate Muslims do not step forward and speak out against the acts of terror and condem them, they will lose what their religion has previously been and thought of by others. You will undoubtedly begin to earn the reputation that the cartoon suggests.
Now, regarding derogatory cartoons that depicts people in negative ways. The Muslims are not so innocent here. They have quite a history of Anti-Semetism on their part. Many Arab newspapers are forever depicting Jews in an extremely negative manner, and yet, Jews do not riot. They ignore it. They have done nothing to warrent depictions in the manner of the Anti-Semetic cartoons that you see above. The Muslim cartoon that is so controversial, well, we've already addressed that. Perhaps if the Radical Muslim Terrorists stopped blowing up innocent people in the name of Allah and Mohammod, they wouldn't be depicted that way. Rioting and destroying property only strengthens the message behind cartoon. Boycotting Danish products is a peaceful means of protest, and, they have every right to do so if they find the cartoon offensive. However, commiting acts of violence against Danish Ambassadors and their property in other countries is not acceptable. Stop blowing things up in the name of Mohammod and maybe you won't be depicted that way.
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