Why are others not held responsible?

There is such an outrage of late regarding Dick Cheney and his accidental shooting of a good friend of his during a hunting trip. Some reporters have inferred that Vice President Cheney should step down through their questions of "Is the Vice President going to resign?" Is this that big of a deal? Even politicians are now questioning Cheney on this. Why did it take so long for him to tell the American people? Why did they hide it? Well, perhaps, just perhaps, the main concern was getting medical attention for the guy first. Making sure he was ok first. Perhaps the Democrats and others with the outcry of late would rather that a hospital visit would have been postponed before a press conference could have been held?
Even though it has been said that really both Cheney and his hunting partner were both at fault, Cheney has gone on record as accepting responsibility because he is the one who pulled the trigger. Hillary Clinton has recently stated that she finds it very disturbing that the Bush Administration has hidden many things from the public and this latest thing with Cheney shooting his friend is just another pile on the heap of stuff they've been hiding from the public.
Really? She doesn't like it when administration, or perhaps individual people, hide stuff from the public? Hmm. Then why, I ask, did it take several months for her husband, President Clinton, to admit to an affair with an intern that he'd been denying for months that he eventually did admit too? Does she hold the same condemnation for her husband? How about Hillary and her "travel gate" affair that she hid from the public and refused to talk about? You will remember the event, where she fired everyone from the White House Travel Office. How about how she mysteriously couldn't find files from the Rose Law Firm that were part of the Whitewater investigation? She didn't admit to anything there, yet, she wanted Cheney to take responsibility for his actions!
And last, but probably the best example, is Ted Kennedy's car! How many hours went by before his car was discovered in Chapaqua with a dead woman in it? He's never taken responsibility for that as far as I know. So! Perhaps before Hillary starts accusing others of hiding things and not taking responsibility for it, maybe she should look at a few examples from her own political party.
Regardless of the whole thing, I'd still feel safer going hunting with Dick Cheney than riding over a bridge in Ted Kennedy's car! If you also agree with how blown out of proportion this thing has gotten, I encourage you to get on your computer and print out a sign that says "I FEEL SAFER HUNTING WITH DICK CHENEY THAN RIDING IN TED KENNEDY'S CAR!" Make sure you use "bold" font that's really dark, and, you'll want to use big enough letters to really piss off people behind you. But, depends where you live. You may get the finger, or, you may get a thumbs up. Then, put some tape on it and put it in the back window of your car! Just so he gets proper credit for it, the slogan actually came from Rush Limbaugh. May the force be with you!
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