No Liberal Media bias huh?

Isn't it interesting how Liberals will always accuse Fox News of being a Right Wing biased news source. They slam it and name call it and pretty much just rip it to shreds. They try to rip down its credibility and destroy it as being a legitimate news source. However, what about CNN, CNN Headline News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC? Anyone who's ever watched this knows that there is a Liberal bias to it all. The best example is Dan Rather's report on the Bush Memo before the Election of 2004. Dan Rather ran a story that he knew was false, and, he figured he could simply get away with it. He figured, if I believe it and tell my audience it's true, then surely it must be! He defended it even until the point where it was proven that it was false! Some of the font that was found on the memo, was not available at the time the memo was supposed to have been written or typed. But, according to Rather, it was fully truthful. Shortly thereafter, many people at CBSNews were fired. Dan Rather still held a job however. Yep, no Liberal media bias there! Then, Rather leaves a few months later claiming it has nothing to do with that memo. Right.
Well, as if we didn't need another example of media bias, let's look at two more examples, although they are more subtle. First, is Bill Maher and his late night show on HBO. Mr. Maher displayed a parody photo of Laura Bush with a black eye as though she was the victim of domestic violence and then compared her to Hitler's Dog. First off, why is that funny? Does Mr. Maher feel that Domestic Violence is funny? Is it funny that women get beat up by men Mr. Maher? I think you should spend some time in Battered Women's shelters such as the YWCA and see how funny it is. Talk to some of these women who have been victims and see how funny you think it really is. Clearly, Mr. Maher is a sick individual who needs some counseling. HBO, despite being a pay channel on cable and satellite, should be embarrassed by Mr. Maher and I would strongly urge anyone who agrees that battered women is not a funny subject to e-mail HBO and Bill Maher respectively at the e-mail addresses below and tell them your thoughts. (HBO General Comments page: ) (Bill Maher's Real Time: and click on "submit a question to Bill Maher".
If you wish to go so far as I, and file a complaint with the FCC, go here: The show aired this last Friday night at 11p. If you'd like to read a story about the show and what exactly was said, follow this link:
It is a sick world in which we live when someone can make fun of such a sensitive subject, and, get away with it in the media. Why is NOW (National Organization of Women) not enraged over this? Are they complacent with it because it's Laura Bush and she's a Conservative? Ok then, why don't we be fair and present Hillary Clinton in the same fashion, a parody picture of her with a black eye and call her "Hitler's Dog"? Let's make fun of her as a Domestic Violence Victim. How soon do you think we'd hear an outcry from the media? I'd say within a matter of minutes. But, since it's the President's wife, it's ok. We can make fun of her as a Domestic Violence victim because she's Conservative and we like bashing President Bush! So, let's make fun of her as a Domestic Violence victim. Yet, the media is silent! No calls for an apology on HBO's part. No official apology statement on Bill Maher's website. No Liberal Media Bias indeed!
Now, let's look at the new ABC show "Commander in Chief" with Gina Davis. She's quite the well known Liberal. Plus, in the show, she has short hair. Hmm, kinda like Hillary Clinton. Yeah, seems ABC is trying to help Hillary out for her campaign run for the Presidency in 2008! We all know that Hillary is seriously considering it. She says that she's not interested, but, far be it from Hillary to lie! I'm also intrigued by the fact that Hillary refuses to say that she will or won't serve her entire term if she finds herself re-elected for the Senate Seat in NY. She's been asked repeatedly to say "yes, I'll serve my full term". That's all she has to say. If she says yes, she'll serve the whole term, then run for the presidency, she's lied, and New York will turn their backs on her. If she says no she won't serve her full term, then she risks losing her senate seat and just be out of the ball game for a couple of years. She will end up missing out on her press coverage for two years! She might just go through withdrawals!
Seriously though, I think this new show is aimed at portraying Hillary Clinton as a female president. I'm sure Donald Sutherland will be the mean, nasty Conservative portrayal too. I think the show will attempt to soften American up to the idea of a female President. If the show is a success, it could greatly help Hillary. If it's a flop, it could hurt her! It could go either way. I wonder, why doesn't the show have a black president? I mean, if Liberals are all so "pro-minority" then certainly they could write the story to fit a minority president. But no, they chose a White woman. Just like Hillary. I think maybe Foxnews should develop their own show for the Fox Network and have a black Female Conservative President. Let's call it "President Condi Rice".