Yes Sir! Can I get a Litmus!?

As I stated in a previous column, the Democrats say they want someone who will faithfully follow the U.S. Constitution. That's all they're really looking for. I also said previously, ignore their words, watch their actions, because those speak louder than words. So, what have we here now? I pointed out that Judge Roberts made the comment that he felt that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, but, it's the law of the land currently and so therefore he'd follow that. Well, despite the fact that that is what Judge Roberts said, Democrats are apparently jumping on that now. It's not enough that he said that he would uphold the law of the land as per the U.S. Constitution. He's apparently not allowed to disagree with the law of the land. Henceforth, unless he believes that Roe v. Wade was correctly decided, it appears that the Democrats don't want Roberts on the Court. Gee, that sounds like a Litmus test whereby a candidate is going to be held to a belief otherwise, he can't get on the Court.
Wasn't it the Democrats who were worried that President Bush would hold potential nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court to a Litmus Test in order to be seriously considered in the form of a very Conservative judge? And yet now, it is the Democrats who seem to be the ones interested in a Litmus test? The judges have to follow the Constitution and use previous decisions as a means of deciding current ones. Granted, if a particular case comes before them that could be decided the opposite way from what Democrats would like, then prior decisions by the Court may be overturned. If that happens, it happens. However, to cerimoniously hold nominees to the view point that they must always be pro-abortion in every case otherwise they will not get in does not seem to have an aura of neutrality when a U.S. Supreme Court Justice comes to mind. Plus, it sure does sound like a Litmus Test huh? Either believe as we do, or we'll try to stop you from getting on the Court. The next few weeks will be incredibly interesting in how the proceedings go. Regardless of how you feel about Judge Roberts, I encourage you to make your views known to your Senator! You can find them using the link that follows; most senators have a means by which you can e-mail them your views. Get involved, for the choice that's made will have an impact upon you at some point in your life.