What's the Left's excuse now?!
By now, most of you have heard about this teacher who has berated a student for criticizing President Obama. Apparently, it's ok to rip Romney, but, not Obama. The students was asking questions, which, gosh, I thought was acceptable in a classroom. Apparently, not in the classroom of a Ms. Tonya Dixon-Neely, a Social Studies teacher at North Rowan High School in Spencer North Carolina. I have searched high and low for this lady's picture so we can see what stupid looks like, and have a face to put on why teacher's unions are not good for a child's education, nore are unions good in general.
At issue is a student who criticized President Obama. This was in response to the teacher bringing up the subject of Romney "bullying" a student when he was in high school, 40 some odd years ago. The fact that the teacher brought up the topic opens up the door for debate. Period. SHE brought it up, to degrade a student, and yell at him (if you've not heard the video, you really should), is not only unprofessional, but disguesting. Any union that backs that teacher, is a pathetic, worthless piece of crap. And a great argument why it should be disbanded. Second, this student asks a very simple question "didn't Obama bully someone?" This is a question that has already been answered in Obama's book "dreams of my father" in which Obama says he shoved a little girl. I'd say shoving a girl is more serious than cutting a kids hair. This teacher, moron that she is, very quickly stated she didn't know. Really? I'm sure she's memorized all of Obama's books at this point, so, she already knows the answer to the question, she just won't admit it. So, the student answers for her. This escalated the argument, again begun by the teacher. This moronic teacher goes on to say you can't criticize the present. She goes on to stated that "do you know how many people were arrested for criticizing Bush?!" I can answer that for you right now. NONE. Period. The ONLY way you're arrested for saying something against ANY sitting president is to make a threat towards them. Period. Now, the part that the Liberal Media refuses to report (you know, in addition to the story to begin with) is that this idiot is a SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER. Clearly, she's qualified. As a history teacher, you'd think she would know that freedom of speech is protected, even if it's criticizing the president. Period. ONLY if you make a threat, can you be arrested. The student goes on to state that "you'd have to say some pretty f-ed up stuff to be arrested." He goes on to tell the teacher that your freedom of speech cannot be taken away, you can only be arrested for making a threat against the president. The teacher then says it's her duty to stop people from criticizing the president. So, I'm wondering then, did this teacher prevent it during the Bush years? I doubt it. It's sad that this teacher has to be educated by one of her students. Truly sad. One can only imagine that this teacher got her teaching position through Affirmative Action, as she's clearly not qualified to teach. However, as always, whether you agree with what I say or not, you're free to make up your own mind, and contact the appropriate people with your support or your own criticism. I'll include lists of people below, including the Rowan-Salisbury School District School Board, the Superintendent, as well as the Principle of the North Rowan High School and the assistant principles. I have e-mailed my letter to them (see below), feel free to contact them with your support or digust.
Board Member Contact Information | |||||||||||||||
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Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy - Vice-Chairperson
704.633-7428 (h)
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Mrs. Kay Wright Norman
704.636.3654 (h)
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North Rowan High School
300 North Whitehead Avenue Spencer, NC 28159
(704) 636-4420
Dear Rowan Salisbury School District,
I have read with both disgust and bewilderment the situation
in North Rowan High School regarding Ms. Tonya Dixon-Neely and her poor
treatment of a student regarding his differing opinion of the student. As a former teacher myself, teachers are not
supposed indoctrinate. How it can be
said that this teacher is doing anything other than indoctrinating is beyond
me. From what the student says regarding
this teacher, this has been a problem for some time, and I imagine others have
complained about it. So, I can only
assume that you’re fine with the way she forces her views onto others, and then
yells at them if they disagree. And if
you truly doubt she was yelling, you should listen to the You Tube video. What exactly are this woman’s
qualifications? She’s supposed to be a
history teacher, yet, she’s so ignorant that she doesn’t even know that the
ONLY way you can get arrested regarding the president is if you threaten
them. You are free to critique the
president to your heart’s content.
Further still, she can only be said to be stupid in that she feels that
many were arrested for critiquing Bush.
However, we all know that not to be true! Harry Reid referred to Bush as “dumb” and “stupid”
in front of elementary school kids. He
never got arrested. Many were calling
Bush “Hitler” and none of them got arrested, certainly none in the Democratic
Party. And then you suspend this teacher
for a week, WITH pay. How
disgusting. She has proven that she is
not qualified to teach as she omitted several facts that should be basic,
including what it takes to be arrested in regards to the president. I can only assume that, as she’s not
qualified, she must have been hired as a result of Affirmative Action. I would hope that, after all the media buzz
regarding this issue, and the tape that was made, you would reconsider her
suspension with pay. I think it’s
completely appropriate for her to be suspended the rest of the school year,
without pay, plus, I think it’s appropriate for her to take a Sensitivity
Class, to be more tolerant and sensitive to other view points, particularly
when she clearly has no idea what she’s talking about.
Reese Copeland
Yakima, Wa.