Notice the signs the peaceful Muslims in the picture are holding? For the most part, if not entirely, they're in English. So clearly, they're propagandizing to Americans. Period. Otherwise, you'd have it in Arabic, wouldn't you?
Well, President Obama has NO problem blaming everything on Bush, and his being at fault for everything known to man and God, and I mean everything. Yet, he's quick to take credit for things that are not 100% of his doing. The CIA and the Administration have said previously, and to the best of my knowledge they've not changed THIS story, that this mission was "4 years in the making." They were very clear about that. It was very carefully and pain stakingly put together. Ok, so, the Libs, in addition to Obama, have been touting the Great One they call Obama as the hero of the hour. Look what he did that Bush couldn't! At least, that's what they want you to hear. But, let's look at something, that apparently is escaping most Libs here. How long did they say this operation had been planned? Hmmm? Four years, right? Ok. Fact. The administration agrees with this, as does the CIA. Ok. Now, how long has Obama been in office? Hmmm? Has he been in 4 years? Well Libs, I'm talking to you. You can go ahead and say it, we already know the answer. All of us. With the exception of the Libs who are so far in denial and sticking their heads in the sand, they've got a GREAT view of China. Obama has been in office for 2 1/2 years. That would mean, there's a 1 1/2 year gap there, where Obama was not involved. So Libs, once again. Basic math. Now, I know you're not that bright, because you've clearly missed this, so, I'm going to put it real simple. How was President 4 years ago? Hmmm? Oh, that's right, Bush! So, while Obama is quick to claim credit for something he's not entirely able to claim credit for, he blames Bush for everything.
I will give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden. I will. You heard it right. But, I also want Obama to give credit, where it's due. The mission began with Bush. Period. The credit needs to be shared. Period. Now, I can hear all the whiney Libs out there saying "well, Bush claimed we didn't know where Bin Laden was, and they knew before he was out of office?!" Well, it would appear so. So, I will explain this to the dim witted Libs as clearly as I can. If we suspected we knew where he was, or if we really did know and we just wanted to watch him for a while, you don't make that public. Why? Because then it tips them off. It creates an environment in which Bin Laden would have been able to escape us. You know, kinda the reason why we didn't tell Pakistan anything. Because we didn't want to tip Bin Laden off. So, if you want to curse Bush for not making this public, that's fine. As long as you include Obama in that too. You see, he's been in office now for 2 1/2 years. Something whiney Libs don't want to claim because his economic policies aren't working. All those "shovel ready jobs" have never materialized to the point that the unemployment rate has significantly gone down. So San Fran Nan Pelosi, while you screech about "where are the jobs!!" to the Republican House, I ask, WHERE WERE THE JOBS WHEN YOU GUYS HAS THE ENTIRE CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENCY WITH ALL THOSE SHOVEL READY JOBS!? Of course, the wicked with of Southern California doesn't want to answer that question, because she already knows the answer. They weren't there. Period. It's ok San Fran Nan, we already know the answer those. At least all those who aren't Lib already know. Then again though, if you're not a Lib (thank God for it, right now!), then you're likely going to be labeled a "mob", a rabble rouser, a member of the Tea Party, an extremist, racist, bigot, or some other such name, all the while the Left lectures you about "toning down the rhetoric". A very Liberal friend of mine always takes pot shots at Bush. We recently talked about the high unemployment rate. He very quickly stated it was now 8.7% and that was down from 9.8%, so obviously Obama's doing good stuff. While I am respectful enough not to attack my friend personally, he's not. Had I really wanted to get into it, how many of the people who were unemployed and previously counted in that unemployment rate, simply gave up looking, and therefore they're not counted in the unemployment rate? Hmm? My friend would likely have a snappy come back, but, that's because he doesn't know any better. Seriously.
So, even before Bush left office, he granted UNPRESIDENTED access to intelligence briefings. That would mean, he was made aware of the information regarding the compound where Bin Laden was. So, if you whiney Libs CRY about Bush not letting the public know, better be willing to curse Obama too. He knew too.
Now, we were initially told that Usoma was armed. That he used his wife as a human shield. Then, we were told, he wasn't armed. That his wife jumpt in front of him to save him. Then we heard that he was within arms reach of a weapon and he shoved one of his wives at the Navy Seal trying to shoot him. Then, we heard he was reaching for a weapon and shoved one of his wives at the shooter, still essentially using her as a human shield. So Obama Administration. Just out of curiosity, WHICH STORY IS RIGHT?! You know, I can hear exactly what the whiney Left and Libs would say if this was happening in the Bush Administration. They'd say he was flip flopping, that the administration is incompetant, that they can't get their stories straight. That kind of thing. So, why is the media not saying this about Obama? Hmm? NO LIBERALS BIAS IN THE MEDIA MY DONKEY!
We have Leon Paneta stating the death shot photo of Bin Laden would be released, absolutely. Then, Obama said it wouldn't. Get your stories straight Libs! Obama says it would fuel all kinds of sentiment against the US. Really? Cause, you didn't seem to have that problem when you released the Abu Ghrab photos. And look how THAT inflamed things. We Conservatives urged that those photos not be released because it could lead to retaliatory attacks by terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan against our soldiers, never mind elsewhere. Now, we're saying release the Bin Laden photos. So, what's the administration say? It could fuel sentiment against the US and it could also potentially mean worse danger for our soldiers. Really? Cause you guys didn't seem to have a problem with that before....
Now, we have the UN asking if the Bin Laden raid was legal. Really? He's a terrorist. He committed crimes against humanity. I don't know that the UN was helping locate him. I don't know that Europe was helping to locate him either. In fact, I have heard rumblings from Europe (yes, I know it's a continent, not a country, but, in regards to Americans and Muslim terrorists, I believe that Europeans tend to have the same opinions on THIS issue) that it was wrong for us to go after and kill Bin Laden. It was a wild west shooting. This of course goes back to "you're all gun crazy" and our love for capital punishment, blah, blah, blah. Well, I didn't see any European country offering him safe harbor. If they thought it was so wrong, why didn't you invite Bin Laden to live in any one of your countries for safety and swear to protect him? Hmm? It's almost as though Europeans are mourning the loss of Bin Laden. Well, Anti-Semitism is alive and well in many European countries after all. Muslim terrorists hate Jews, and Americans. Many European countries don't like Americans. Which is fine cause I don't really like the way they do things there either. Reminds me of why we left to do things our way in our own country.
Now, Pakistan. For years, and many, many billions in US tax dollars, we've believed they were our ally. Our friends hunting Bin Laden for a common purpose. Yet, here he was, living right in Pakistan, in a million dollar "mansion", which really looked like a semi run down low income apartment complex, and the Pakistanis didn't know. Really? How many million dollar mansions you have in Pakistan? Hmm? Complete with 18 foot high walls. No phone, no internet, they burn their trash. Never seeing anyone come or go with any degree of regularlity. Have a lot of that in Pakistan do you? There is a very good reason we didn't tell Pakistan about this. We didn't want Bin Laden "tipped off" to our coming. That's why. So, finding Bin Laden right under their noses, within walking distance from a military academy from what I understand, I can only conclude three things there. First, they were working with and protecting Bin Laden and therefore we can't trust them. Second, they're stupid and we can't trust them. Third, they're incompetant and therefore we can't trust them. Well, they deny they knew he was there. They flat out deny that. So, all three of those scenarios are possible, and also, we cannot trust them is also ringing true.
Now, we supply Pakistan with many billions of dollars and they are demanding we cut back our military now in their country. I say, fine. I'm in favor of that. But, I also demand we stop giving them money. Immediately. It stops this exact second in time. Period. I would strongly encourage you to write your person in Congress regarding that issue. If you believe it's good to continue to give money to a country that is either working with Bin Laden and Alqada, or is stupid, or is incompetant, fine. Tell your congress person that. If you believe that we shouldn't be supporting the above, fine. Write your congressperson.
One last thought here. Obama was BIG on granting terrorists a civil trial and not a military one. He wanted Khalid Shaik Mohammod (generally considered the Master Mind behind 9/11) a civil trial in NYC. The public outrage was enormous. Just enormous. Obama didn't care. He pushed forward, until it got to the point that he changed his mind to have a military trial instead. Obama and whiney Libs wanted Miranda rights to be read to TERRORISTS even if it was on the battle field. My question is, OBAMA ARE STILL DEPENDANT ON CRACK?! Now, we have Bin Laden. But, does Obama have his Miranda rights read to him? Nope. He makes it very well known he gave the order to kill Bin ladne. To kill him. What about the whole Miranda Rights thing Obama? Hmm? Trying to score points for 2012 are we?