Thursday, February 25, 2010
As most of us have now seen, the Health Care Legislation Summit was a joke. The Democrats had their minds made up, particularly Obama, and the Republicans maintained their stance as well. There was no common ground reached. I would go so far as to suggest it was a gigantic waste of time. As many Conservatives have said, it was a "photo-Op" for Obama. Indeed it was. He stuck to his guns, Republicans stuck to theirs. Nothing was accomplished.
Obama insists that Republicans need to get on board with this Bipartisan Bill. However, it's not a Bipartisan bill. It never has been. President Obama has not been interested in Conservative Ideas. Nor have Democrats. From shooting down each idea and saying it won't work, to literally locking out the Republicans from a room where health care was being discussed. However, Obama can't even say that it's all Republican Opposition. Because, there is much opposition from his own party. Does Obama even hae 51 votes to pass the legislation in the Senate? I'm not sure he has. He may very well have, I honestly don't know.
So, we see Obama's arrogance here. He wants Republicans to get on board. So, from here, we can see he already had his mind made up. He wanted the legislation passed his way. No compromise. Period. Now, the Republicans took issue with this. But, to no avail.
Obama has suggested that he will push forward with health care reform without Republican support. What does this mean? The "nuclear" option. In other words, Reconciliation. By circumventing Senate rules (which is sometimes done legitimately, but not for something as serious as this), he will be able to pass health care reform with only 51 votes. Now, despite MANY polls that say American DON'T like this bill AS IT'S WRITTEN, he intends to say screw you, I'm doing it anyway. So, how does the President feel about doing something the people don't like?
Well, Obama has a very simple answer here. If the American people don't like the results of the health care legislation that Obama pushes through, well "that's what elections are for". Yes, this is a quote from Obama. I got this from Now, I tried to look this up on and THEY HAVE NO RECORD OF THE QUOTE. So, I guess this makes CNN SO much more reliable than Fox. Bullcrap. This is why I NEVER trust CNN. Apparently, a comment like this is NOT news. Bullcrap! It demonstrates an serious disregard for the public trust, public opinion and an extreme arrogance. I believe, and I may very well be wrong, that this will cost the Democrats dearly in November. One can only hope.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ya take your eye off them for a minute and.....
Well, usually, people pay more attention to National Politics more than Local and State Politics. However, with the recent actions of the Washington State Legislature, it just goes to show, you can't take your eyes off these guys for a second. In fact, the state legislature hopes you're so distracted by the OTHER Washington, that you wouldn't notice what's going on here under your noses!
Specifically, I'm looking at Senate Bill 6130. Do y'all remember Tim Eyeman? He's the guy that comes up with Initiatives that piss off the Washington State Legislature and our Governor. Why? Well, because it's the people having a direct voice, thereby superceeding the State Legislature (both Republicans and Democrats) and by God, we can't have that! Back in 2007, an Eyeman Initiative was approved, by the people, that said if the government wants to raise taxes they MUST have a two thirds majority to do it. No more simple majority. This was to protect the taxpayers from an every increasing money hungry state government, that is increasingly incompetent and fiscally irresponsible. Well, this bill essentially gets rid of that Initiative. I believe the initiative was 960? In any case, it will get the state government raise taxes with a SIMPLE majority. Meaning, they just have to have 51% of the vote to do it. And since the Democrats are in control of the state legislature, and have been in control of the governor's mansion for at LEAST 20 years, guess what's on their minds? Tax increases! During a recession no less! Accroding to 1280 KIT AM Radio, the governor has her eye on $640 million in tax increases to help off set a budget short fall. Now, why is it when Libs subvert the tax payers, the voting public and screw up the economy and botch the job, they get off scott free, but Conservatives don't? The Democrats have been running the state legislature for about 4 years now. It's been a rough 4 years! And for at least the last 20, they've run the Governor's Mansion! And yet, because of their incompetance and inability to manage a budget, we're in the mess we're in now. Yet, there's no blame on them. None! They're as innocent as school kids! In fact, it's the Republican's fault, those darn Conservatives! Who'da thought the minority party had SO MUCH POWER?! And of course, Democrats and Libs take no responsibility for their actions contributing to this. None. Even though they're in charge, and have been for years. They've been calling the shots, but no, it's the minority party's fault.
So, we have this senate bill, which will almost assuredly pass, right? Well, it began in the Senate on 2/9 and continued through that week. It passed with amendments. It began in the House on 2/13 with a public hearing. The day before Valentines Day. It was a Saturday. They started the public hearing on a WEEKEND! When no one was really paying attention! They KNEW this. So, it passed with amendments!
So guess what Washingtonians? The Democrats in the State Legislature just authorized to tax the crap out of you. In a recession! I think proud Democrats should stand up here! Be proud that your party will be punishing working people during a recession. Because, no matter what the tax is geared towards (smokers, pop drinkers, alcohol drinkers, whatever), it will trickle down and effect EVERYONE at some level. Some may give up smoking or drinking (although unlikely), and that may effect the sales of these things at stores. Where people may then get their hours cut. And this may result in less taxes paid for these taxed items (because less is selling) and possibly less business taxes because less employees, or, the business may just fold. So, a tax increase, which our inept governor and legislature plotted for all along, may end up producing less taxes.
So, you may want to express your outrage, or perhaps your joy, at the Democrats passing the ability to pass tax increases at will now. Provided, or course, that they stay within the spending limit imposed by another initiative by the people years ago. But hey, they subverted the tax paying citizens with Senate Bill 6130, why not just subvert the people with another bill? I mean, it's a real slippery slope now, isn't it? It happened under Democrat control, Democrate Legislature, with a Democratic Governor. It's time to hold the Democrats accountable! They can't get out of this, or at least, shouldn't be allowed to! But, the People's Republic of the West Side undoubtedly will win re-election again by the Sheeple over there. Just another reason Eastern Washington should consider Succession. After all, the Feds are deficit spending now, why not have Eastern Washington as its own state and see about getting funds for our own state? Oh wait, we're Conservative on this side, so, I'm sure there would be no funds available for us from the Feds. However, if Western Washington were to Succeed, well, I'm sure they're be limitless funds available considering their "we know better than you" Liberalism mentality.
So, whether you agree with this bill or not, whether you agree with me or not, I'll include the Washington State Legislature's website below and you can either praise or condem them for how they voted. Incidentally, the "roll call" votes don't list the parties of the members who voted "yea" or "nay". But, one can assuredly assume it was a strict Party Line vote. Dems sure love those tax increased, don't they? (look up your Reps/Senators by district or name) (page that has the votes (yea/nay and gives you opportunity to see roll call) (actual TEXT of the final version of the bill, read it for yourself if you don't believe the above).
The last two links would not "cut and paste", so I copied them by hand. Hopefully, they work.
Ok, I just tried the last two links, they don't work. So, when you get to the main Legislative page, just look for something about "bill look up" or "search for bill", something like that. Then, look up Senate Bill 6130. You should have no problem finding it.
Specifically, I'm looking at Senate Bill 6130. Do y'all remember Tim Eyeman? He's the guy that comes up with Initiatives that piss off the Washington State Legislature and our Governor. Why? Well, because it's the people having a direct voice, thereby superceeding the State Legislature (both Republicans and Democrats) and by God, we can't have that! Back in 2007, an Eyeman Initiative was approved, by the people, that said if the government wants to raise taxes they MUST have a two thirds majority to do it. No more simple majority. This was to protect the taxpayers from an every increasing money hungry state government, that is increasingly incompetent and fiscally irresponsible. Well, this bill essentially gets rid of that Initiative. I believe the initiative was 960? In any case, it will get the state government raise taxes with a SIMPLE majority. Meaning, they just have to have 51% of the vote to do it. And since the Democrats are in control of the state legislature, and have been in control of the governor's mansion for at LEAST 20 years, guess what's on their minds? Tax increases! During a recession no less! Accroding to 1280 KIT AM Radio, the governor has her eye on $640 million in tax increases to help off set a budget short fall. Now, why is it when Libs subvert the tax payers, the voting public and screw up the economy and botch the job, they get off scott free, but Conservatives don't? The Democrats have been running the state legislature for about 4 years now. It's been a rough 4 years! And for at least the last 20, they've run the Governor's Mansion! And yet, because of their incompetance and inability to manage a budget, we're in the mess we're in now. Yet, there's no blame on them. None! They're as innocent as school kids! In fact, it's the Republican's fault, those darn Conservatives! Who'da thought the minority party had SO MUCH POWER?! And of course, Democrats and Libs take no responsibility for their actions contributing to this. None. Even though they're in charge, and have been for years. They've been calling the shots, but no, it's the minority party's fault.
So, we have this senate bill, which will almost assuredly pass, right? Well, it began in the Senate on 2/9 and continued through that week. It passed with amendments. It began in the House on 2/13 with a public hearing. The day before Valentines Day. It was a Saturday. They started the public hearing on a WEEKEND! When no one was really paying attention! They KNEW this. So, it passed with amendments!
So guess what Washingtonians? The Democrats in the State Legislature just authorized to tax the crap out of you. In a recession! I think proud Democrats should stand up here! Be proud that your party will be punishing working people during a recession. Because, no matter what the tax is geared towards (smokers, pop drinkers, alcohol drinkers, whatever), it will trickle down and effect EVERYONE at some level. Some may give up smoking or drinking (although unlikely), and that may effect the sales of these things at stores. Where people may then get their hours cut. And this may result in less taxes paid for these taxed items (because less is selling) and possibly less business taxes because less employees, or, the business may just fold. So, a tax increase, which our inept governor and legislature plotted for all along, may end up producing less taxes.
So, you may want to express your outrage, or perhaps your joy, at the Democrats passing the ability to pass tax increases at will now. Provided, or course, that they stay within the spending limit imposed by another initiative by the people years ago. But hey, they subverted the tax paying citizens with Senate Bill 6130, why not just subvert the people with another bill? I mean, it's a real slippery slope now, isn't it? It happened under Democrat control, Democrate Legislature, with a Democratic Governor. It's time to hold the Democrats accountable! They can't get out of this, or at least, shouldn't be allowed to! But, the People's Republic of the West Side undoubtedly will win re-election again by the Sheeple over there. Just another reason Eastern Washington should consider Succession. After all, the Feds are deficit spending now, why not have Eastern Washington as its own state and see about getting funds for our own state? Oh wait, we're Conservative on this side, so, I'm sure there would be no funds available for us from the Feds. However, if Western Washington were to Succeed, well, I'm sure they're be limitless funds available considering their "we know better than you" Liberalism mentality.
So, whether you agree with this bill or not, whether you agree with me or not, I'll include the Washington State Legislature's website below and you can either praise or condem them for how they voted. Incidentally, the "roll call" votes don't list the parties of the members who voted "yea" or "nay". But, one can assuredly assume it was a strict Party Line vote. Dems sure love those tax increased, don't they? (look up your Reps/Senators by district or name) (page that has the votes (yea/nay and gives you opportunity to see roll call) (actual TEXT of the final version of the bill, read it for yourself if you don't believe the above).
The last two links would not "cut and paste", so I copied them by hand. Hopefully, they work.
Ok, I just tried the last two links, they don't work. So, when you get to the main Legislative page, just look for something about "bill look up" or "search for bill", something like that. Then, look up Senate Bill 6130. You should have no problem finding it.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
This man, is a genius!
Ok, so, we have the genius Robert Gibbs making fun of Sarah Palin because she wrote some notes to herself on her hand. Ok. How many of us, as Americans, have ever done that? I have. Many times. I'll continue to do so. Many times. Because it's always nice just to have a little something to remind you to keep you on track with your points. You know, in case YOUR TELEPROMTER IS ON THE FRITZ! Not that our genius president knows anything about that either. Oh wait, he does. So what is Sarah wrote on her hand Robert. Who cares. I don't care if she had to do it while speaking at the Tea Party Convention or not. In case you didn't notice, people like Sarah. Let me re-phrase that. Conservatives like Sarah. Independents like Sarah. The only ones that don't like Sarah is Libs! I'm confident many Americans have written stuff on their hands, so effectively Robert, you've just alienated about half the population. This would include the tens of millions that see that things haven't gotten better since Obama took over. The ones who saw that the unemployment went from 8% to 10%, and has now come down to 9/7%, but still above the 8% Obama said would never happen. The ones who see that Obama said he'd meet with the PM of Iran without pre-conditions and negoiate. WELL HOW'S THAT WORKIN' SO FAR MORON!? We have Iran now suggesting that they're going to enrich EVEN MORE nuclear material. These are also the people that see that our president can't even use proper vocabulary when he says "Corpsemen". And to think Libs made fun of the way Bush said nuclear!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Why it matters.....
Have you recently seen the news story about the Government teacher in Massillon, Ohio whom handed out applications for an internship for the grass roots organization "Organizing for America"? Well, if you'd been looking for it on CNN's website, you'd not find it. Nor would you find it on, or any other Liberal news website. You can only find it on You know, that site that Obama and other Libs say isn't legitimate news and just got the highest Nielson ratings ending January 2010. Beating CNN by about 33%. But hey, Foxnews isn't legit, remember? Well, I guess it depends on your perspective. Cause, it certainly seems legit now, huh. Obviously, people are watching Fox. The competition (everyone else) can't touch their view-ship. Can't even come close. Then, you'll have whiney Libs saying "oh, well, yeah, if you watch a specific program, or you linger longer than a couple minuets, then yeah, they have more viewers. But, some people just check in with the headlines for a couple minutes." Great. So Libs command those with a short attention span. How little time does it take to bias someone who's already biased? Say, a couple minutes while you're just checking in with the headlines?
Ok, back to the story at hand. So, this teacher at Perry High School in Massillon, Ohio hands out these applications for internships for Organizing for America. Take a wild guess as to what organization it has a direct link to? The Democratic National Committe. This was the only form handed out for internship opportunities. The only one. Nothing was offered for a Conservative organized internship opportunity. I can hear the whiney Libs now. "Oh come on! Get over it! Do we really have to have two?!" Yes. We do. Because had this been reversed and someone handed one out for the Conservative group, you'd be screaming bloody murder. But, when it happens in reverse, seemingly, it's ok. Everything's peaches.
So, some parents were outraged and screaming "indoctrination", of which I agree. Having been a former teacher myself, I can absolutely attest, MOST teachers are Liberal. Some very, very Liberal, and nearly all of those that are Liberal have no tolerance for anything outside of Liberalism. This is why they always talk about the need for tolerance. You know, the stuff they don't have for views other than theirs. Now, I have many friends, some of which are teachers, and I'm confident they're Liberal. Safe beet anyway as Conservatives are few and far in-between in the education field. I have no problem with them. They seemingly don't have a problem with me. I've seen, many times, instances of Liberal bias in the classroom. Students DO want a choice here. They don't want just one view. Unless their Liberal teacher keeps pounding hate, oh-I mean tolerance-for Conservatives in their heads.
So, the excuse of the Superintendent of this school district makes the lame excuse of, the teacher shouldn't have done this. He should have read through the material. It was given to him by a "friend". Uhm hmmmm. I'll bet it was. Would this excuse pass muster if the shoe were on the other foot? Nope. Now, there's been calls for this government teacher (who the superintendent refuses to name) to be fired. Two things. First, no union (because I've yet to meet a teacher's union that wasn't worthless and Liberal) would sit back and allow this to happen. Plus, I'm sure the ACLLU (American Civil Liberal Liberties Union) would not allow this to happen, but you'd never see them defend a Conservative if this was the opposite situation. Second, the teacher does have a freedom of speech here. However, he (and we know it was a "he") doesn't have the right to put just one view out there and not have an opposing view. However, I think this is one problem with schools. They only want ONE VIEW. There is NO TOLERANCE for another view. Global warming is just such an example as no opposing info is allowed when teaching global warming. You'd think they'd want students to make up their own minds, particularly given all the recently discovered corruption in the concept the last few months! But no. No freedom of ideas. If you disagree, you're a hater, you're an idiot. Or worse. You're racist because it goes against what President Obama is saying. Cause, you can't disagree with the man on his policies or ideas. No. You're just racist. Just ask Jeanne Garafolo. That's what that idiot believes in terms of people who disagree with Obama.
So, the superintendent refuses to name the teacher. He states it's been "addressed" and it's been taken care of. However, he refuses to say exactly how it was addressed. Well, tax payers cover the cost of schools, so, I think they deserve some answers here. After all, they're paying for this "non-Liberally biased" teacher to hand out ONLY one internship form for ONLY one group with a DIRECT link to the DNC. But, hey, simple mistake. Ok. So, I guess it's ok to hand them out for the RNC ONLY and nothing Liberal, right? Wrong. Cause then you're intolerance and racist. Again, see Jeanne Garafolo. Cause she clearly knows what she's talking about right? I mean, she's got great experience with knowing this stuff, right? I mean, she had her own radio talk show and all. Wait. That failed. Never mind.
So, I happen to think the teacher, who is still employed, should face some penalty. He should be made an example of. Firing is extreme. I think that goes too far. I think he should take a sensitivity class. I mean, that's what Libs like to have Conservatives do, right? No? Ok. Well then, I think suspended without pay for a week is fair then. Libs would be demanding a Conservatives head on a sitck. Or fired. Or both. Not necessarily in the proper order either. So, I personally don't agree with all the name calling that the superintendent has received via e-mail. He's apparently been called "Communist" among other things. I think it's fine to e-mail him your opinion about it and either agree with him or disagree with him. I'll provide links below to look at that stuff by the way. So, if you agree that the situation was handled appropriately, I'm sure the superintendent would love to hear from you. If not, you can e-mail him that too. I've not decided if I will or not. I'd like to, but, I also have better things to do. You'll find the links below.
Perry High School
You can select the "staff" option on the left and just look for all the history/social studies male teachers if you'd care to e-mail them. After all, ONE of them did this. You can e-mail your support as well if you like.
Perry School District
Ok, back to the story at hand. So, this teacher at Perry High School in Massillon, Ohio hands out these applications for internships for Organizing for America. Take a wild guess as to what organization it has a direct link to? The Democratic National Committe. This was the only form handed out for internship opportunities. The only one. Nothing was offered for a Conservative organized internship opportunity. I can hear the whiney Libs now. "Oh come on! Get over it! Do we really have to have two?!" Yes. We do. Because had this been reversed and someone handed one out for the Conservative group, you'd be screaming bloody murder. But, when it happens in reverse, seemingly, it's ok. Everything's peaches.
So, some parents were outraged and screaming "indoctrination", of which I agree. Having been a former teacher myself, I can absolutely attest, MOST teachers are Liberal. Some very, very Liberal, and nearly all of those that are Liberal have no tolerance for anything outside of Liberalism. This is why they always talk about the need for tolerance. You know, the stuff they don't have for views other than theirs. Now, I have many friends, some of which are teachers, and I'm confident they're Liberal. Safe beet anyway as Conservatives are few and far in-between in the education field. I have no problem with them. They seemingly don't have a problem with me. I've seen, many times, instances of Liberal bias in the classroom. Students DO want a choice here. They don't want just one view. Unless their Liberal teacher keeps pounding hate, oh-I mean tolerance-for Conservatives in their heads.
So, the excuse of the Superintendent of this school district makes the lame excuse of, the teacher shouldn't have done this. He should have read through the material. It was given to him by a "friend". Uhm hmmmm. I'll bet it was. Would this excuse pass muster if the shoe were on the other foot? Nope. Now, there's been calls for this government teacher (who the superintendent refuses to name) to be fired. Two things. First, no union (because I've yet to meet a teacher's union that wasn't worthless and Liberal) would sit back and allow this to happen. Plus, I'm sure the ACLLU (American Civil Liberal Liberties Union) would not allow this to happen, but you'd never see them defend a Conservative if this was the opposite situation. Second, the teacher does have a freedom of speech here. However, he (and we know it was a "he") doesn't have the right to put just one view out there and not have an opposing view. However, I think this is one problem with schools. They only want ONE VIEW. There is NO TOLERANCE for another view. Global warming is just such an example as no opposing info is allowed when teaching global warming. You'd think they'd want students to make up their own minds, particularly given all the recently discovered corruption in the concept the last few months! But no. No freedom of ideas. If you disagree, you're a hater, you're an idiot. Or worse. You're racist because it goes against what President Obama is saying. Cause, you can't disagree with the man on his policies or ideas. No. You're just racist. Just ask Jeanne Garafolo. That's what that idiot believes in terms of people who disagree with Obama.
So, the superintendent refuses to name the teacher. He states it's been "addressed" and it's been taken care of. However, he refuses to say exactly how it was addressed. Well, tax payers cover the cost of schools, so, I think they deserve some answers here. After all, they're paying for this "non-Liberally biased" teacher to hand out ONLY one internship form for ONLY one group with a DIRECT link to the DNC. But, hey, simple mistake. Ok. So, I guess it's ok to hand them out for the RNC ONLY and nothing Liberal, right? Wrong. Cause then you're intolerance and racist. Again, see Jeanne Garafolo. Cause she clearly knows what she's talking about right? I mean, she's got great experience with knowing this stuff, right? I mean, she had her own radio talk show and all. Wait. That failed. Never mind.
So, I happen to think the teacher, who is still employed, should face some penalty. He should be made an example of. Firing is extreme. I think that goes too far. I think he should take a sensitivity class. I mean, that's what Libs like to have Conservatives do, right? No? Ok. Well then, I think suspended without pay for a week is fair then. Libs would be demanding a Conservatives head on a sitck. Or fired. Or both. Not necessarily in the proper order either. So, I personally don't agree with all the name calling that the superintendent has received via e-mail. He's apparently been called "Communist" among other things. I think it's fine to e-mail him your opinion about it and either agree with him or disagree with him. I'll provide links below to look at that stuff by the way. So, if you agree that the situation was handled appropriately, I'm sure the superintendent would love to hear from you. If not, you can e-mail him that too. I've not decided if I will or not. I'd like to, but, I also have better things to do. You'll find the links below.
Perry High School
You can select the "staff" option on the left and just look for all the history/social studies male teachers if you'd care to e-mail them. After all, ONE of them did this. You can e-mail your support as well if you like.
Perry School District