Is that your FINAL answer?

Has anyone seen the, now infamous, question asked by an ego maniac, and self proclaimed celebrity, Perez Hilton regarding Miss California’s beliefs on same sex marriage? He asked her quite simply, with Vermont being the 4th state now to pass a law allowing same sex marriage, Perez Hilton simply asked if she thought other states should follow suit, why or why not? Now, pay close attention to the way Mr. Ego Maniac Self Proclaimed celebrity (note SELF PROCLAIMED) asks this question. Read it again, I’ll wait. Got it? Good. HE ASKS FOR HER OPINION! Note to Perez Hilton, IF YOU DON’T WANT HER OPNION, DON’T ASK FOR IT!
Why is there this controversy? I don’t get it. He asked her for what she felt, and the other part of the question was, why or why not. So not only did he ask for her opinion, he asked her to explain why she had that opinion. Essentially, to explain herself. Then, it was very clear, he did not like her answer. She did say that people have the right to chose, but her personal belief, due to how she was raised, was that marriage was between a man and a woman. She believed this for herself and her country. Perez Hilton was not impressed. Then at some point, either late last night, or early this morning, he posts a “video blog” calling her the “B-Word”. Ok, I don’t remember her saying anything negative about Perez Hilton, or his homosexuality. Mr. Hilton threw the first volley regarding negatively attacking someone, and to the best of my knowledge (morning of 4/20/09), she has not responded negatively. Mr. Hilton allegedly did later apologize for calling her the “B-Word, but, not for his stance on what she said. He stated he would rather she had said “what a great question Perez…..” and then going on to some load of crap politically correct garbage. Again Mr. Hilton, IF YOU DON’T WANT HER HONEST OPINION, DON’T ASK FOR IT! If he wanted her to answer a certain way, he needed to tell her “I want you to answer this way” and then tell her what her answer should be. There are those that believe that marriage should be between a man and woman, period. People have a right to believe that, just as you have a right to believe that homosexuals should marry. We have the freedom to believe different things in the USA, however, Mr. Hilton and the homosexual militants of the country seem to want to take that belief away from us. If we don’t agree with them, then they just negatively attack us. They smear us. But, can you just imagine what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot? We’d be accused of discrimination and hatred. However, when they do it, well then, it’s ok. No one would dare tell them they hated heterosexuals. No way, would never happen. Maybe it should happen. Maybe we should play by their rules and say that the negative folks out there who are homosexual should be called “straight bashers” and “straight haters”. I think I should start that now. Who would like to join me? I mean, it’s fair play right?
To further sadden this whole event, the Miss California Competition, run by Keith Lewis, states "As co-director of the Miss California USA, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman." "I believe all religions should be able to ordain what unions they see fit. I do not believe our government should be able to discriminate against anyone and religious beliefs have no politics in the Miss California family."
Ok, so here we have again, someone who doesn’t like the answer given here by Miss California. Is Mr. Lewis now going to have a “Litmus Test” to make sure only the appropriate people are allowed to run for the position of Miss California? Cause, it sure sounds like it. Perhaps Mr. Lewis, politics shouldn’t be part of the competition period. That would eliminate that whole thing wouldn’t it? But then again, the self proclaimed celebrity Perez Hilton is the one responsible for this whole thing anyway. But clearly, Mr. Lewis doesn’t have a “beef” with Mr. Hilton, only Carrie Prejean, Miss California because of her answer. So, word up to future contestants of all competitions from now on, “free thinkers need not apply”. Don’t have an opinion unless you clear it with the powers that be first. This is to ensure that you have the appropriate opinion, God forbid you should have your own opinion and have a belief of your own. What, you think you have First Amendment Rights or something?
Miss California’s response also drew shouting matches in the lobby after the show. Now, the argument I’ve heard many times from Homosexuals is that you can’t tell if someone’s gay just by looking at that, that’s “profiling” or making a “stereotype”. However, one statement by a gay man, seems to put this in jeopardy. It's ugly," said Scott Ihrig, a gay man, who attended the pageant with his partner. "I think it's ridiculous that she got first runner-up. That is not the value of 95 percent of the people in this audience. Look around this audience and tell me how many gay men there are." So apparently, you can tell if someone’s gay by looking at them, or at least, according to Mr. Ihrig you can.
What a sad world we live in, when you’re asked for your opinion, you back up what you say as to why you belief that, and despite being asked your opinion, you’re attacked for it. Thanks to Self Proclaimed Celebrity Perez Hilton for demonstrating that you really shouldn’t answer something honestly, even when you’re asked. You certainly stand out to me now. Of course it’s for being two faced, but at least now you’re a legitimate headline in the news.
Why is there this controversy? I don’t get it. He asked her for what she felt, and the other part of the question was, why or why not. So not only did he ask for her opinion, he asked her to explain why she had that opinion. Essentially, to explain herself. Then, it was very clear, he did not like her answer. She did say that people have the right to chose, but her personal belief, due to how she was raised, was that marriage was between a man and a woman. She believed this for herself and her country. Perez Hilton was not impressed. Then at some point, either late last night, or early this morning, he posts a “video blog” calling her the “B-Word”. Ok, I don’t remember her saying anything negative about Perez Hilton, or his homosexuality. Mr. Hilton threw the first volley regarding negatively attacking someone, and to the best of my knowledge (morning of 4/20/09), she has not responded negatively. Mr. Hilton allegedly did later apologize for calling her the “B-Word, but, not for his stance on what she said. He stated he would rather she had said “what a great question Perez…..” and then going on to some load of crap politically correct garbage. Again Mr. Hilton, IF YOU DON’T WANT HER HONEST OPINION, DON’T ASK FOR IT! If he wanted her to answer a certain way, he needed to tell her “I want you to answer this way” and then tell her what her answer should be. There are those that believe that marriage should be between a man and woman, period. People have a right to believe that, just as you have a right to believe that homosexuals should marry. We have the freedom to believe different things in the USA, however, Mr. Hilton and the homosexual militants of the country seem to want to take that belief away from us. If we don’t agree with them, then they just negatively attack us. They smear us. But, can you just imagine what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot? We’d be accused of discrimination and hatred. However, when they do it, well then, it’s ok. No one would dare tell them they hated heterosexuals. No way, would never happen. Maybe it should happen. Maybe we should play by their rules and say that the negative folks out there who are homosexual should be called “straight bashers” and “straight haters”. I think I should start that now. Who would like to join me? I mean, it’s fair play right?
To further sadden this whole event, the Miss California Competition, run by Keith Lewis, states "As co-director of the Miss California USA, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman." "I believe all religions should be able to ordain what unions they see fit. I do not believe our government should be able to discriminate against anyone and religious beliefs have no politics in the Miss California family."
Ok, so here we have again, someone who doesn’t like the answer given here by Miss California. Is Mr. Lewis now going to have a “Litmus Test” to make sure only the appropriate people are allowed to run for the position of Miss California? Cause, it sure sounds like it. Perhaps Mr. Lewis, politics shouldn’t be part of the competition period. That would eliminate that whole thing wouldn’t it? But then again, the self proclaimed celebrity Perez Hilton is the one responsible for this whole thing anyway. But clearly, Mr. Lewis doesn’t have a “beef” with Mr. Hilton, only Carrie Prejean, Miss California because of her answer. So, word up to future contestants of all competitions from now on, “free thinkers need not apply”. Don’t have an opinion unless you clear it with the powers that be first. This is to ensure that you have the appropriate opinion, God forbid you should have your own opinion and have a belief of your own. What, you think you have First Amendment Rights or something?
Miss California’s response also drew shouting matches in the lobby after the show. Now, the argument I’ve heard many times from Homosexuals is that you can’t tell if someone’s gay just by looking at that, that’s “profiling” or making a “stereotype”. However, one statement by a gay man, seems to put this in jeopardy. It's ugly," said Scott Ihrig, a gay man, who attended the pageant with his partner. "I think it's ridiculous that she got first runner-up. That is not the value of 95 percent of the people in this audience. Look around this audience and tell me how many gay men there are." So apparently, you can tell if someone’s gay by looking at them, or at least, according to Mr. Ihrig you can.
What a sad world we live in, when you’re asked for your opinion, you back up what you say as to why you belief that, and despite being asked your opinion, you’re attacked for it. Thanks to Self Proclaimed Celebrity Perez Hilton for demonstrating that you really shouldn’t answer something honestly, even when you’re asked. You certainly stand out to me now. Of course it’s for being two faced, but at least now you’re a legitimate headline in the news.