The Liberal View!

Have you heard that Rosie will be replacing Merideth on "The View"? For those who don't remember, this is the same woman who, on her tv show (that was eventually cancelled) verbally attacked Tom Seleck for his beliefs in gun rights. Now if you remember, after this event, her show was eventually cancelled. Coincidence that a show that had won 6 Emmys was suddenly cancelled? I don't believe so. But now, she'll be joing "the view" and that's supposedly going to make this show more balanced? That's not what they're claiming by the way. Rosie is SO far to the Left, "the View" will have to build an extension to the left of their current views just to accomodate her.
Further keep in mind, this woman seems to believe that it's SO important to have a female president, but, when asked by Sean Hannity what she thought of Condi Rice for that job, she went nuts! Her faced went very red and she started yelling "look at my face, look at my face" and it appeared to me to be something of rage there. Prior to Sean's question, she was bellowing about how great of a president Hillary would be and it was important to have a female president. So, Rosie's gone on record as being "pro" female vice president, as long as it's for a Liberal. And yet, Condi has all this experience with world leaders, has a PHD, and knows several languages. Hillary on the other hand, is a failed lawyer who's only legacy is that of her husband, which, we won't go into here.
So, Rosie will now be on The View. I guess she'll try to portray herself as a "moderate" now. Bummer that those of us with a shred of intelligence can witnes otherwise. She'll cut the President down daily and I imagine before long, will be burning epitathic charactertures live on the show and will be screaming "freedome of speech, freedom of speech!". Ok, that's fine, but, let us see who will be guests on the show now. I imagine we'll be seeing all the Hollywood Libs on the show. As well as the music industry LIbs. So I guess we'll see a lot of Ben Afleck and Matt Damion, lots of Bruce Springsteen, Lots of Green Day. All the Libs.
I wonder if, in her "freedom of speech" rants, if the show will be so inclined to have the likes of Charlie Daniels and Ted Nugent? I wonder if Sean Hannity will be asked to come back to the show? They were polite the last time he was on, but, now that Rosie's there, and she freaked on the Condi Rice as president question, it will be interesting to see if she has the guts to have Sean and other Conservatives on. Especially considering one fact. Sean Hannity asked Rosie to come on his Radio show to chat about how she freaked out and why she apparently feels Condi Rice would not make a good president. To the best of my knowledge, I've never heard Rosie on the show. So, I imagine the View will have to change it's name to "The Liberal View". Because, just calling it "The View" infers some level of fair and balanced nature. Which of course, we know Rosie is not.