Monday, April 10, 2006

What's the Liberal's position?

Regarding Iran, I wonder, what is the position of Democrats and Liberals? What is the position of the United Nations? Iran has been warned repeatedly that they need to stop their Uranium enrichment. They've been told this repeatedly by the U.S., by numerous European countries, the U.N. and the IAEA. How does Iran respond? They have repeatedly say that it's for peaceful uses, it's for domestic uses because they don't want to use oil any longer. They want nuclear energy.

What has Iran been doing this last week? They've been testing weapons. New long range missles, new submarine missles and weapons that, if they were capable of nuclear power, could be quite a destructive force. So, for the Libs that have gone on record as saying that "If you don't believe that Iraq has weapons of mass distruction, then you shouldn't vote for me" (John Kerry), then denied they said it, even though it was well documented that they said it, I wonder what their position will be on Iran?

What I mean to say here, is that, do we have the permission of the Liberals and Democrats to pre-emtively go after Iran, or, do we have to wait until Iran comes after the U.S. and Israel and other American allies before we can do something? I'm just curious because it seems that they say one thing, then deny they said it. I don't believe for an instant they'll actually stick to their word. If they claim to support going after Iran, fine. Put it in writing. Why? Because we don't trust a freakin' thing you say. Now, does this mean Republicans tell the truth all the time? No.

What are the things that Libs accuse Republicans of the most when it comes to lying about something? First, it's President Bush (the father) because he said "no new taxes". Then, taxes were raised. Libs are SO fond of saying "see, he lied. He raised taxes." Ok, well, who's responsible for raising taxes and funds? Congress. Congress controls the purse strings of the Federal Government. A president can submit a proposed budget, but, it's ultimately up to the Congress to decide if it passes or not. Well, in the time of President Bush the father, who controlled Congress? Democrats. So, when they pushed for a tax increase and President Bush vetoed it, and they over rode that, who really raised taxes? Democrats because they controlled the House and the Senate.

The second thing Libs and Democrats accuse the Republicans of is Weapons of Mass Destruction. Does anyone honestly feel they weren't there? I believe they were. The United States gave Saddam plenty of time to "remove" the weapons and move them to another location. Period. If you go to a crack house and tell them, "we know you have crack here, if you don't get rid of it in 30 days, we're coming in to get rid of it ourselves," does anyone really expect to find crack in that house? If Libs really believe that Saddam would really keep the weapons there, they're a whole lot dumber than they look. By the way, I think they're morons.


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