Gene For President!!

"When you go through a really bad neighborhood, you want a Rottweiller with you. When you go through a nice neighborhood, you want a nice French Poodle. NOT a good idea to have a friendly, nice haircut French Poodle when you go through a bad neighborhood. By the way, Rottweillers sometimes bite your kids and stuff like that, but in time of war, I want a Rottweiller."
-- Gene Simmons, on President Bush.
This comment was made recently by Gene Simmons, bass player of the legendary band KISS. What I find amazing is that Gene gets it, while most Liberals don't. We are in a time of war. It didn't start out as a religious war, but, Muslim Terrorists want it to be one SO bad. There are extremists in any religion, including my own, Christianity. However, Gene gets it. When you have people who want to blow you up and kill you, as the terrorists have proclaimed many, many times, why on earth would you want a perfectly hair cut and manicured French poodle? One who's gonna play nicey nice and who will bend over (probably in the same fashion as Kevin Bacon in Animal House- "thank you sir, may I please have another?!") and make the terrorists as comfortable as possible! The terrorists should not be made to feel comfortable right now. We're going through a bad neightborhood right now, so, why on earth would be want a French Poodle (I think Gene was actually referring to John Kerry, as Johnny if French if I remember correctly) to take us through this neighborhood?
Gene would apparently rather have a Rottweiller when going through a bad neighborhood. Know what? So would I. But then again, let's look at the Liberal Mentality. If they get robbed, rather than thinking poorly of the person who robbed them and blamming them, they rather ask "what did I do to cause this too happen? Could I have done something to stop it?" No, you didn't do anything. Someone came after you. You were simply living and walking or whatever you were doing. It was the criminal that came after you. Just as the Terrorists came after us, we didn't do anything to provoke this. Notice the only ones who say it's America's fault for 9/11 and all the Terror is Liberals? Still believe they don't hate America? HA!
The usual arguments are that America supports the Israelis, so, that puts us on the Terrorists hit list. Next, we are in good relations with Saudi Arabia, which the Muslim Terrorists see mainly as corrupt. The other reasons really don't matter to me, they all run along the same lines as "everything is America's fault". Oddly enough, the same thing that Liberals say. You know, when Liberals and Terrorists are saying the same things, more or less, why on earth would you vote Democrat?
Gene for President!
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