There's too many jobs and you're not paying enough for gas!

Most of you have heard about the Keystone Pipeline oil project that would bring oil from Canada down through the middle of the US and to the Gulf Coast. This would provide, by some estimates, as many as 50,000 very well paying jobs. It has been argued that this would be a good jjolt to the economy. However, as Libs are more concerned about the environment than the state of the country, environmental whackos have decided that the pipeline comes too close to an underground aquifer and that there's a potential to taint that, particularly given that this aquifer is shared by multiple states. The Canadian company that put forth this idea has changed it a couple of times already. Now, the environmental whackos have come up with another excuse to stall, or likely kill, the project. I would agree we do want to protect the environment. I don't want anyone getting polluted water, despite what that nut job Nancy Pelosi and "dingy" Harry Reid say. However, this is a company that has bent over backwards to make this project work and make the amends necessary for adjustments in the project needed in order to make the project happen. At some point, the Libs need to stop inventing excuses.
I can only conclude that they are against these jobs. They are against cheaper gas. This project is something that should have been approved quite some time ago, despite the concerns that have already been addressed. It is as though Obama himself is looking for reasons not to approve it. So far, he's stalled by simply refusing to make a decision. He continues to state he needs more time to think about it, to make a good decision. Really? Well, unless you have the IQ of used toilet paper on a long night of indigestible ethnic food, why is it taking you so long? For the love of all that's holy, even the unions want this project! Which, puts Obama in a very precarious position. Which group will he be a slave to? The unions, or the whacko environmentalists? Currently, he's siding with the environmentalists. The unions are feeling screwed. And justifyably too. Obama claims that a "rider" to the Social Security tax break that just went through for 2 months limitation that said Obama had to make a decision about it, was cried by him as "you're playing politics!" Well, oh master of the brain composed of used toilet paper, so are YOU. You just can't decide whom to bend over for. The unions or the environmentalists. I bet you'll sell your deicision to whomever gives the most campaign contributions, and then cry about how the money of corporations corrupt the Republican's deicisions. Yeah, cause union and environmental money has NO influence on you. Moron!
YOU are playing politics. There are families that have people that NEED jobs! And the estimated 50,000 jobs is only the ones directly related to the project. If those families have that much more disposable income, they will SPEND! Imagine the domino effect THAT will have! But no, we have a president who uses his brain for "hair fertizlier". Yes, I'm saying he has crap for brains. Libs don't get innuendo very well. You have to spell it out like they're 2 months old, and then assume they won't abort that 2 month old.
Now, if the Keystone project doesn't go through for the US, that oil will be sold to China. So, the oil's going somewhere. The only question is, are we getting it, lessening our dependence on foreign oil from the Middle East and bringing our gas prices down, or, will it go to China, with whom Obama has prostituted the US to? Perhaps this is a "kick back" to the Chinese, a "thank you" to them for all the money Obama has barrowed from them.
From this whole thing, I can only assume a couple things. Obama really isn't all that interested in creating jobs that bad. Despite all the Libs stating how successful his Spending Bill was a couple years ago, with all those "shovel ready" jobs that really weren't anywhere close to that, his spending bill DIDN'T work. If it did, unemployment would have gone DOWN, not UP. But, oh yeah, crap for brains. The only other thing I can guess is that Obama really seems to think you're just not paying enough in gas! How dare the American people expect to have some relief at the pump. And God forbid they'll reduce the federal tax on gas. Oh no. You must suffer more! I'm suprised genius hasn't raised it yet.
Speaking of the unemployment, the Libs and Obama were all proud, and patting themselves on the back about what a fantastic job they were doing because the unemployment went down for November and December. Now let's think of that. Hmm, why would it go down? TEMPORARY SEASONAL HELP IDIOT! Anyone notice how it's gone back up in January!? What a freakin' moron! He doesn't understand the economy, his foreign policy is let's negoiate with the whole world and apologize to everyone for everything and how's that working?! Well, Iran's pretty much on it's way to a nuclear power. And yet, he won't do anything about it! He's more worried about trying to bring peace to the Middle East between Palestine and Israel, provided of course, that as many Jews as possible should die. Crap, he doesn't even understand world history. He had to be educated by Israel's prime minister regarding his own plan for peace and installing previous borders. The Israel PM, thankfully, took him to taks and embarassed his butt in front of the world! Then Obama makes that stupid comment about "you don't have to deal with him everyday!" after the French Anti-Semetic PM cried about Netanyahu being a nut. Ah, Anti-Semetism is alive and well in Europe. And apparently, right here in the US too Seems to be rampant among the Libs.
As for the Pipeline project, I saw find the most environmentally safest route, and build it. No more stalling or excuses from the Libs. Better yet, set up separate gas stations. The ones for the Libs with gas at $4+ a gallon, and the cheaper gas for the rest of us. Let's see how well the Lib's gas sells.