City of Intolerance.

Recently, there was an uproar in Eugene, Oregon. This was due to a city council member, Mike Clark, wanting to have the Pledge of Allegiance recited before council meetings. Sounds simple enough, right? And it should be. After all, we ARE all Americans, aren't we? Well, yes and no. We are all Americans geographically. However, we are not all Americans because some in our country just can't seem to stand being American. Yet, they refuse to leave. They have a problem with things such as reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. This is due to the "under God" segment of the pledge. Well, Libs tend to get that whole thing just FUBAR-ed big time. If you're not familiar with FUBAR, please watch the movie "Tango and Cash" for enlightenment. The reason the founding father's put in the whole thing about separation of church and state is because the King of England wanted a divorce. He couldn't get one because England was Catholic. Henceforth, he created his own church, the Church Of England. Known now as the Anglican Church. Now, last time I checked, there is no such church as the "Church of the United States Of America." A Google search resulted in NO SUCH CHURCH AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Henceforth Libs, YOU'RE WRONG and you're molesting the words of our founding fathers.
So, Eugene is allegedly known as a city that celebrates diversity. However, as Mike Clark states "it's a little ironic to see those who have championed the idea of tolerance be less tolerant on this question." How does the rest of the city council feel about it? Well, Betty Taylor compared reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to reciting "The Communist Manifesto". Really Betty? Have you read the Communist Manifesto? I have and there's nothing in there that's even remotely comparable to reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Nothing. Just another wild and crazy Lib that throws out these wild accusations. I bet if you asked her to cite a specific passage in the Communist Manifesto that she feels is comparable to the Pledge of Allegiance, she wouldn't be able to tell you. I bet if you asked her if she's ever READ the Communist Manifesto, she probably hasn't. However, it is Lib Land down there. I'm sure all the kids in the school are taught all about class warfare and the "evil" rich. I'm sure Conservative ideas are not even discussed, at least not in a fashion that isn't mocking. Another genius on the City Council, George Brown states "they can say it in their backyard or their front yard." He goes on to say "it doesn't move the council business forward, it doesn't unite us." Saying the pledge to our country doesn't unite you as a city council? Really? Maybe you should recite the Communist Manifesto like your pal Betty says.
And, some of the residents in this pathetic city are in agreement with the council. For example, resident Anita Sullivan states "so you say I pledge allegiance and right there I don't care for that language. It sort of means loyalty to your country, well, I feel loyalty to the entire world." Really? Ok, maybe you'd feel better pledging allegiance to the United Nations then. Why don't you go and do that. You should be feeling a sense of loyalty to your country. If you don't, feel free to move somewhere else where you would feel loyalty. In your case, the entire world. Go ahead, move somewhere else then. Live in many different areas and see how you like it. Anywhere in the Middle East, you'll be FORCED to wear a Burqa. Maybe you'd feel more loyalty to the Middle East for that. Or, move to anywhere in Europe where you'll pay SIGNIFICANTLY more in taxes. That should inspire some loyalty.
Now, this is not to say that you can't disagree with something in America. But keep in mind, pledging your allegiance to a country, well, the country is the reason you have these things you can disagree with, and be ok. Try disagreeing with the government in Iran. Bet you spend the rest of your life in prison. What I'm saying here is, you have the freedom to do the things you want, within legal reason. The pledging of allegiance to the flag, which represents the country that allows you to have some of these freedoms. I think you owe it to the flag to at least respect it enough to pledge allegiance to it and the country. You Libs scream about tolerance, but, when it comes to ANY Conservative Ideals, well, there's just no tolerance left in you.
If you agree with the city council, or disagree with them, you can contact them at the link below and search for the city council page which which takes you to a page that has a comment form.
Eugene, celebrating diversity. If by diversity, you mean anything Libs believe in. Otherwise, nope.