Obama: "We're in Charge, but BP is responsible."

This little statement from Obama should come as no suprise to anyone that's seen the news even once since Obama took office. From day one, he has stated on many occasions that the economy was Bush's fault. He blamed Bush for everything and said he could fix it. Now, logically, it's not going to get better overnight. I understand that, I respect that, and I don't expect it to get better overnight. However, having said that, I didn't expect it to get worse either. Since passing his ambitious legislation of which we've had a couple of stimulis bills costing billions and even trillions. He swore that if this happened, unemployment would never go above 8%. Well, that was a lie. It went just a hair past 10%. But hey, that's all Bush's fault. Yep. It's Bush's fault that Obama got his legislation passed, it's Bush's fault it didn't work too. Did you know that? Darn that Bush! Where was the Secret Service when Bush put that gun against Obama and all the Democrat's heads when they were "forced" to pass that bad legislation?! And to think, according to Libs, Bush was such an idiot too! But somehow, he orchestrated some wild scheme that force Democrats to pass all this bad legislation? The American People are tired of "It's Bush's Fault" for everything. At some point Obama, you need to take responsibility! It was YOUR legislation. Even your moronic V.P. (whom I say is dumber than Bush as evidenced by many of his verbal masturbationalistic speeches) said, shortly after the first Stimulis Obama passed didn't work, that things were worse than you thought. Well maybe, but, you said it would work. You said it'd put people to work. It didn't, people lost more jobs. Then it was "well, we'll save jobs" as opposed to creating them. Yet, people continued to save jobs. But then again, you could say some jobs were saved no matter HOW many were lost. Now, Obama wants to have bailouts for unions and teachers. For those that don't know, the unions and teacher unions are the pimp of the Democratic party. The Democrats' chain is yanked and you can rest assured either the union or teachers union is at the other end. I, having been a former teacher, don't want to see teachers out of work. However, school districts are hurting. They have to trim costs. It's regretable that teachers would lose jobs, for STOP WITH THE BAILOUTS. We're tired of them. And I can't stand unions. Unions are ONE, but not the ONLY reason, GM got in as much trouble as it was. The UAW wanted so much in benefits and retirement that it was tough for GM to be profitable any longer, in addition to the problems they were having already. Of course CEO's were making sure they got their bonuses too. And for whatever reason, the Unions had a problem with the CEO's pay. It's not the like the CEO's don't have a big responsibility. And now that the Unions are more or less running the show, they'll have to come to the realization of the budget situation for GM. But, they seem to want to continue with their member's benefits, budget be screwed.
And with this BP thing, a few weeks ago, BP was pointing fingers at Haliburton for not making a part right, and Haliburton was pointing their fingers at BP saying they followed the design as made by BP. Obama, unwittingly, stated he wanted to stop pointing fingers and taking responsibility. Hey, how 'bout we start with you man! Start taking responsibility for your actions!
I would not expect any different from an administration that, A La Eric Holder, has just come to the realization, wait for it: TERRORISM IS AN INTERNATIONAL PROBLEM! No crap! Really? Thank you Captain Obvious! Also A La Eric Holder, we don't call things "radical Islam" any longer. Nope. That might offend the Terrorists and those that follow, well, Radical Islam. Like those idiots that threatened South Park creators for the Mohammed skit. I think the Prophet Mohammed is FAIR GAME because they're using him as an excuse to blow crap up. So guess what, he's fair game and you can feel free to come after me Radical Islamists cause I'm a lifetime member of the NRA baby! Bring it on!
You know, President Bush always said, we either fight Islamic Terrorism over "there" or, over "here". Well, given the actions of our fearless (or witless) leader/apologizer in chief, we're apparently fighting it over here as evidenced by the growing attempts of terrorism here. The most recent incident being the attempted Times Square Bombing. Well, before you know it, we'll have HOMICIDE bombers coming here. Libs are ridiculous in calling them suicide bombers. You can kill yourself anywhere you want, by yourself. The second your goal is to take others out, you're a HOMICIDE bomber. Silly stupid Libs.