A while back, as members of Congress, specifically the Democratic Party, were leaving after voting on this health care bill, they complained they were spat on, called "the N Word" and faced threats. Yet, despite ALL of the video evidence, they can't find anything they can present as evidence in support of this. They have no video, no audio, nothing written. For all their claims of racism in the past of the Tea Partiers, and the protestors of this health care bill, you'd think they'd have cameras and microphones abound. I mean, really. Yet, we have nothing. Just their claims that we should take their words for it, because it's really there.
I can tell you that what I have seen is this. Tea Partiers yelling at Senators and Congress Persons. Why is that odd? They're angry, don't they have a right to yell at them? Is it uncivil? Maybe. Is it rude? Maybe. Is it appropriate? Not really, but then angry isn't usually expressed in an appropriate manner, is it? They, as constituents, didn't like what members of Congress did. Sure, some did, and that's fine, cause they have been vocal too. However, I don't recall anyone chastizing Code Pink when they were in San Franciso behaving in a threatening manner towards the military, at a recruiting station, intimidating people who were going there to join the military. Know how much outcry there was from the Left? None. The Right were upset and they tried to have their own protestors, but they were generally shouted down by those on the Left. The Left, and Code Pink, were highly organized. They did a great job at organizing and getting people on the same page, and getting them together. They were outraged at the military and our government. Just as the Tea Partiers are outraged now. So, each side have their own reasons for being outraged. Each side should be allowed to express that in a manner that is not threatening or involves racial slurs.
I just wish the Left would lay off the racial slurs of the Tea Party. They are NOT all White. There IS diversity within their ranks. They may not all be black, they may not be half black, they may not even be 10% black, but there is diversity there. The Left, for some delusional reason, is all about "quotas". This sick facination with "everyone being represented" and this works out to essentially be a quota. Dear Left: The world is not ruled by quotas! People believe the way they believe. When they feel comfortable expressing it, they do. When they don't, they don't. That's the way it is! Just because you don't see a lot of minorities in the crowd doesn't mean they don't believe the same way. To call the Tea Party racist because you don't see your quota of properly represented people there is stupid. Even moronic. But, I expect nothing less from the Left. They fight on emotion. They do not fight on facts. Facts present quite a barrier for them. They choose, purposefully, not to look at the minorities that are at the Tea Party gatherings. Again, this comes back to "quota". Why is it all about numbers? Numbers are not everything. Quantity is not everything Quality should be a bigger chunk. In other words, the reason they're getting together. Their argument. The Tea Partiers have a good argument. They had some very specific concerns for the why health care bill shouldn't go through.
To be fair, so did the Democrats. They told lots of stories about how people suffered, or were cut off of their health insurance. But, they played on the emotions of the stories. Not the facts. They could have emphasized the facts better. That would have made for a much better argument. Instead, however, those against healthcare wanted to turn the clock back. Tea Partiers were referred to as racist and mobs. They turned the argument against those in the Tea Party and simply argued they were racist. One need look no further than Jeanne Garofalo who frequently referred to Tea Partiers as racists. Other Hollywood Libs and other Libs in general referred to them in a similar manner. We have a school teacher from Oregon who says he was organizing people to "infiltrate" the Tea Party gatherings and dress as "Hitler" with racist signs to show people the Tea Party as a racist party.
This begs the question: If they really were racist, then gosh, why would you need to do that? It seems you would already have that element there. So, if you have to put yourself in that situation to demonstrate racism is part of the Tea Party, what does that say about you then? It would seem then, maybe you're the racist.
All this hate speech brings me to one point. The current CEO of the now (more or less) defunct ACORN. She has referred, just today, to the Tea Party as a "bowel movement". So says Bertha Lewis. She said that the times we live in now will "dwarf" McCarthyism, Jim Crow and other such periods of time. She says that the Tea Party are the "harbingers of persecution". Really? You mean like, the persecution you're heaping on them now perchance? Cause, all I hear from the Left is how racist and evil the Tea Party is. That sounds like persecution to me. And for all the claims of racism you throw at them, sure doesn't seem to be any evidence of that. Not on video, not on audio, not in pictures.
Think Bertha's ok? Well, here's a quote from her: "Any group that says, I'm young, I Democratic, and I'm a Socialist, well, you know, is all right with me. You know, that's no light thing to do-to actually say, I'm a Socialist-because you guys know right now that we're living in a time which is going to dwarf the McCarthy era. It is going to dwarf the internment of World War II. We are right now in a time that is going to dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation."
Ok. Let's examine why this is wrong For starters, Socialist isn't good. Socialism takes freedom away to some degree. You're not free to earn whatever you want, because, the government is going to tax that away. So, you've lost freedom there. Next. does Bertha know how to read? I suspect no. Cause, if she did, she would have considered reading "Black Listed by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight against America's Enemies" by M. Stanton Evans. If Bertha could read, she could learn that documents that were declassified by the government show clearly, that McCarthy was RIGHT. There were Communists in the government, there were Communist sympathizers in Hollywood. There are right now! This would include Sean Penn ("People who call Hugo Chavez a dictator, I hope they die screaming of rectal cancer") and Danny Glover. So Bertha, please do some reading, I would love for you to be educated. Next. Worse than the internment of WWII? Let's see, WHO put the Japanese in Internment camps? Oh, that's right FDR! A DEMOCRAT. Take your fight up with him Bertha. Or, is she blaming George W. Bush for that too? Jim Crowe and Segregation. Well, the South for was for that. And what's in the south to a good degree? Democrats. A convenient fact she is omitting is that Al Gore Sr. and other DEMOCRATS voted against the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. This all demonstrates my point of Libs fight on emotion. Not fact.
Agree with Bertha Lewis of ACORN? Fine. I'm sure she'd love your support. Don't agree with her, voice that as well. Log onto
http://www.acorn.org/ and send her an e-mail. But, good luck doing so, because I just tried and, gosh, their site seems to be having extreme difficulty connecting now. Could it be, her mouth is SO big, that she stuck both feet in there?