Why it still matters!

Rape is rape, period. Regardless of how delusional Whoopi Goldberg wants to believe that Roman Polanski is SO innocent "I don't think it was rape rape", there are no degrees of rape Whoopi! Rape is rape. If you doubt that, I beg you, please, go to a sexual assault support group and plead your case! It's like we're back to "it depends what the meaning of is, is". Seriously Whoopi! What are you thinking! Just because everyone believes him to be this fabulous director, half of Hollywood is demanding he be released and that he be given a "get out of jail free' card. Literally!
And Hollywood Libs are rallying around this sex predator. Let's look at facts. He was early 40's (42 if I remember right), and his victim was 13! She was 13 Whoopi! Roman gave her alcohol and drugs. So, she was not able to say "no". He anally raped her. He was charged, and admitted to it for a lesser charge, but, still a sex offense. Thought he was going to get a deal in exchange for pleading guilty. Not the case, nothing in writing. Found out the judge would throw the book at him, he LEFT the country. He fled Hollywood!
I want it officially on record, that Hollywood Libs are now officially "pro rape" if the director is of Roman's caliber. A caliber, by the way, that THEY assign, and only THEY. Ok, maybe "pro rape" is too hard. But, they're certainly willing to look the other way! Just as they did with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski by the way! Oh! Do I see a pattern developing here?!
Hollywood is willing to look the other way on this, the victim, now MUCH older than 13, says she forgives him. I don't really care if you do or not hon! He raped you. Perhaps Whoopi needs to take a sensitivity class as her remark was a slap in the face of all rape victims! "I don't think it was rape rape" indeed! Read the frickin' court transcripts! I want Hollywood to read the graphic content, what Roman actually did. I want the Polish and French to read it to! Then, I want it officially known that they also are right up there with Hollywood. Willing to accept the rape of an innocent girl and "poo-poo" it assuming it's someone of the caliber of Roman! Just one more reason we should have let France be bombed into non-existance! The Polish, I'm suprised. I expect France to have no morals, but the Polish?! Wonderful! I think Roman should be treat as ANY other sex predator. Then, put him in General Population in a Federal Prison. Let's all see how long the genius director lasts! And this latest charge about a prosecutor and judge talking about the case in private. Does that change the fact he raped this girl?! No. Was it inappropriate? Yes. But he was still found guilty based on facts, he admitted to it. He FLED Whoopi! And again for the record, rape is rape, period Whoopi!