Fresh out of common sense, and any body parts to admit that, just maybe, the American public is not thrilled with an updated version of Hillary Care, with an Obama label slapped on it, the only conclusion that President Obama can come up with, is that it's a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy! President Obama stated, in an interview on the Conservative Michael Smerconish radio show "I think early on, a decision was made by the Republican leadership that said, 'Look, let's not give him a victory, maybe we can have a replay of 1993, '94, when Clinton came in, he failed on health care and then we won in the mid-term elections and we got the majority. And I think there are some folks who are taking a page out that playbook." This comes from the Washington Times incidentally. Which, Liberals will automatically call untrustworthy because it's a Conservative Paper and therefore they're lying-despite the quote; because only Liberals have the corner market on truth through their "non-biased" reporting in virtually every news media outlet save for radio and Foxnews.
So, rather than admit that, perhaps, Americans don't want this health care bill, it MUST be a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Further President Obama also believes that this is an attempt to repeat the 1994 take over of Congress by the Republicans. Well, looking at the latest poll number of Congress, which, by the way, is controlled by Democrats, the public has some interesting thoughts on how well Congress is doing. Here's the break down:
A Foxnews poll (conducted 8/11--8/12) shows 30% of Americans approve of the job congress is doing, and 59% disapprove.
Gallup (8/6-8/9) shows 31% approve, 62% disapprove
NBC News/Wall Street Journal (7/24-7/27) shows 24% approve, 63% disapprove.
NPR (7/22-7/26) shows 33% approve, 61% disapprove.
Some of these are nearly a month old, but, were the most recent I could find. I want you to look at the polls that are clearly LIBERAL. NBC News and NPR. Notice how many approve of the job Congress (held by the Demoncrats) is doing. Now, if this were the Republicans that were in charge, you'd never hear the end of it. You'd hear about how the Republicans have lost public trust, they've lost focus, they're betraying the American People. But, the non-liberally biased media (which incidentally is enough fertilizer to feed my garden for a year or two) doesn't say a peep! Wow! Can we say "subjective journalism"? And, Obama is even better!
08/17 - 08/19
51% approve
42% disapprove
Rasmussen Reports
08/17 - 08/19
50% approve
50% disapprove
NBC News
08/15 - 08/17
51% approve
40% disapprove
The important thing here is, ROUGHLY half of American think he's doing ok. Half! And these numbers have come down (for approval) since he entered into office!
So, this all kinda fits doesn't it? I mean, Obama doesn't think people really don't like his legislation, he says there's no "death panel" and doesn't really acknowledge the possibility that the "end of life planning" gives that appearance, despite many people citing the page number. So, I can only guess he's a real moron cause he says it's not in his bill. Heads up moron, it's in the House bill! The Senate, perhaps seeing the writing on the wall, says it won't be in their bill. So, it appears the Democrats are doing the work of the Republicans! The GOP doesn't have to do anything, Demoncrats are screwing themselves. And now, you Harry Reid saying, well, we'll go it alone if we have to, and Obama is saying this too! He wants Bipartisanship and will look at ideas the GOP brings to the table, yet, the Demoncrats aren't doing that! They're not looking at those ideas, they've got a pre-conceived notion of what they want and they won't negoiate! So, I demand that the Democrats "go it alone"! Do it! I WANT you to! And they will get their butts voted out of office! Just like 1994! This isn't the GOP doing this, it's the moron Libs doing it!
Recently, a poster of President Obama has surfaced as the Joker from The Dark Knight. There's been outrage about this. Why? It's realistic, it's not racial. It paints him as the Joker calling him a Socialist. There were no cries of outrage from the Libs when President Bush was pictured as a vampire, a the Satan, or, as the Joker! Nothing! Double standard supreme! Please write your person in Congress and demand that the Democrats "go it alone" on this legislation! Beg them too! Then, in 2010, they can go bye bye!