UNeffective and UNwilling....is UNcompetent a word?

If ever there is ANY reason for the U.S. to get out of the pathetic, and frequently useless, United Nations, it is how they are dealing with Iran! For the better part of a year or longer, Iran has given the entire world the middle finger by ignoring U.N. Sanctions and pleas of "oh c'mon, please!" Rather than taking swift action, as should be done with or without the world community, the utterly incompetent U.N. continues to have some deranged fantasy or delusion that Iran can be negotiated with, or otherwise reasoned with! Well U.N., how's that working so far. I mean, they apparently are used to rogue nations giving them the middle finger given that it happens so often. In 1990, the U.N. passed Resolution 1441 (the one dealing with Iraq back in the day) and after 14 additional resolutions, nothing was done. So, the U.S., using the intelligence that we had at the time-faulty or not it's what we had to go on-took the responsibility of the irresponsible world and took care of Sadam. Are we still there? Yep, and we're still in Europe after WWII as well, so what's your point? We're still in Korea and when was that cease fire done? The argument of Liberals that "we're occupiers" doesn't hold water anymore. We occupy many places. "Yeah, but we're not at war with those places" doesn't hold water anymore either. Terrorism is beginning to take a foothold in Europe now because the U.N. and bending over and taking it (think "thank you sir may I please have another" from Animal House) nations in Europe would rather stuff their heads in the sand than deal with the problem. How many examples of terrorism, terroristic cells and radical Muslims have been brought to our attention in England alone? Now of course, we see that terrorism is taking India as well. Another fantastic example of the powerlessness of the U.N.
Getting back to Iran, we have Obama offering them incentives to get out of their nuclear program. Seriously, do they expect us to believe that they want to use nuclear power instead of building nukes while screaming that Israel is "the dying corpse of the Middle East" and that they should be wiped off the face of the planet, and that they don't have homosexuals in Iran, of course they don't mention that's because they kill them. What did Iran say to Obama? Thanks no thanks? Nope. They have no interest in it. Of course, the worthless Sanctions the UN imposed were not effective given the high cost of gas this last summer. Iran was raking in the dough. Now that gas has plummeted, the Sanctions seem to be having a significant effect, nonetheless, they are pushing forward with their nuclear program.
On 12/7/08 on Meet the Press, Obama stated "We need to ratchet up tough but direct diplomacy with Iran, making very clear to them that their development of nuclear weapons would be unacceptable, that their funding of terrorist organisations, their threats against Israel are contrary to everything we believe in." He would like to offer them economic incentives to encourage them to stop their nuclear program. He goes on to state "What we have to do is to provide them with assistance but that assistance is conditioned on them making significant adjustments."
Well, diplomacy, negotiations and Sanctions have worked so well so far, so why not just keep kicking a dead horse. Or, should we worry about their nuclear program once they already have a few nukes in their hands? Will Europeans get their heads out of the backsides at that point, or, do a couple of countries have to bite the dust before they figure it out. Perhaps France first, no one would miss it anyway.
Well, President Elect Obama certainly talks a tough game, but, will he actually follow through? I wonder. I hope so, I am hopeful, but make no mistake, if he does not follow through with what he says, kiss the world goodbye because they'll have just called our bluff.
I understand the need to try doing it diplomatically, to work it out. That's fine, but it's clearly not working. They are metaphorically giving the world the middle finger. Sure, the U.N. and France are used to that, they get it all the time. However, the world is made up of more than just France and the U.N. Their willingness to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is ok while screaming "Serenity Now!" may work great for them, but I would kind of like the U.S. and Israel not to get nuked. I could care less about France though.
So, again, we have an opportunity for the UN to prove how UNcompetant and UNwilling they are to take appropriate action. We will see likely see their UNresponsibility and their UNregard for others in the world community. The U.S. needs to get out of the UN as soon as possible. We need to pay our dues that we owe them, that is the appropriate thing to do. However, as soon as that is paid, get out of our country UN! You've got 24 hours to get out, all your staff, all your documents, all ambassadors. If after 24 hours you don't think you can get out, perhaps the U.S. should send in the United States Marine Corps, fully armed to the teeth of course, and help them pack. If the rest of the world hates the U.S. and would like to see us put in our place, so be it, have that opinion. That's yours to have, but not on our property. Incidentally, if we kick them out of the U.S., we also need to immediately stop any food aid, medical aid, financial aid and military aid to anywhere in the world. No more protection South Korea. No more protection European nations. All our soldiers should come back, fend for yourselves.