What if the shoe were on the other foot.....

Regarding the whole controversey over Jerimiah Wright and what appears to be his Anti-White tirades in the form of sermons. Is he right that White have historically not treated blacks equally? Is he right that Whites have discriminated against them in the past? Yep, it's true. However, trying to change things now doesn't mean continuing to bring up the past. How can you keep moving forward if you continue to live in the past? Can you change things in the past? Nope. But, you can learn from it, you can work to try to keep the future from looking like the past.
As for his claims that 9/11 was Americas fault, well, c'mon. We've heard this argument from Liberals fairly frequently. It's America's fault, and henceforth the ends justify the means apparently. America deserves to be punished, so hey, let's crash some planes into buildings, attack the Pentagon and go after the White House. Ok, well, what did that solve Mr Wright? Are things better now? Nope. Particular Imams (Muslim Priests) are still preaching hate, still preaching that Kaffar (The equivalent of the "N" word, except applied towards non-Muslims) must convert to Islam or die. To be fair, Christianity did that too though, converst to Christianity or die. Then again, that was the Crusades and this is the 21st Century, so, you know, it's justified. NOT!
So you see Mr. Wright, when you preach something that sounds a lot like what the Imams are preaching, then it's not much of a suprise when people get upset. As for is it justified that Obama doesn't disown his pastor? Well, that's a personal choice. The question is, is what Mr. Wright preaches mostly good or bad? Hard to say as we've only seen the bad stuff thus far. He makes some good points about the past, but again, we're looking forward not back. Hating "Whitie" isn't solving problems right now. Unless you have something better to offer, you're not very helpful.
I wonder if Mr. Wright is against slavery, even slavery from the past? I would assume that he was given the speech we've heard from him thus far. So, if he TRULY is against slavery, then I'm wondering exactly when he will condem the Africans for enslaving the Jews back in Egypt, which is documented not only in the Bible, but in history as well. So Mr. Wright, looking forward to your condeming blacks for enslaving the Jews way back then. Can't wait to hear it....... I'll not hold my breath though.