Terrorists support Hillary for President!

"I hope Hillary is elected in order to have the occasion to carry out all the promises she is giving regarding Iraq," stated Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist group.
Clinton's repeated calls for a withdrawal from Iraq "proves that important leaders are understanding the situation differently and are understanding the price and the consequences of the American policy in Iraq and in the world. The Iraqi resistance is succeeding," stated Abu Hamed, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip.
Hamed further states that "Her popularity shows that the resistance is winning and that the occupation is losing. We just hope that she will go until the end and change the American policy, which is based on oppressing poor and innocent people." Actually Hamed, it's not about Americans repressing poor and innocent people. The only ones America are fighting are the Terrorists. Period. And, Terrorists are hardly innocent. After all, the Brigades, together with the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, took responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel the past three years. The Brigades also has carried out hundreds of recent shootings and rocket attacks. Henceforth, NOT innocent. They believe it's "suicide bombing" because they're killing themselves. Well, that's what suicide is, killing yourself. But, the second you kill another, it's called something else: HOMICIDE BOMBING!
Further, Abu Ayman, an Islamic Jihad leader in Jenin, said he is "emboldened" by Clinton's calls for an eventual withdrawal from Iraq. "It is clear that it is the resistance operations of the mujahideen that has brought about these calls for withdrawal," boasted Abu Ayman. Here's another little tid bit. "All Americans must vote Democrat," stated Jihad Jaara, an exiled member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.
Now, Terrorists are not only supporting Hillary because of her stance on Iraq and wanting to declare defeat before the battle's won. Nope. They want to also like and endorse Hillary because of her Husband's selling out to the Palestinians. Remember, Bill offered 96% of the West Bank to Yassir Arafat and he rejected it because he wanted 100%? The moron should have taken it, it was the best deal he was going to get, but he's dead now, and the world is truly a better place for it. All of the attrocities he committed, the endorseents of attacks against Jews, there's a special place in Hell for him.
The Palestinians say that Hillary recognizes, as did Bill, that Palestine needed to be a separate state. Yes, that's true, they do recognize that. But then again, so does President George W. Bush. He has stated this many times. He has had Condi Rice talk with both sides a few times to try to work out peace. However, since the Palestinians are not getting their way 100%, then clearly, Bush does not support an Independent Palestinian state.
Well, it seems that Hillary has got some great support. The Terrorists have given Hillary her marching orders, now, apparently, it's up to Hillary to carry them out. She's already said she will pull the U.S. out of Iraq, henceforth emboldening the Terrorists. So, since they agree that she's doing the right thing, and they are telling her what else they'd like to see, it would seem she would essentially be taking her orders from the Terrorists. Now THAT is some great support. Hillary needs to jump on this and use this as a campaign slogan to get the America haters on board with her.
Just think, if she wins, as part of the celebration, hundreds of terrorists could blow themselves up!
Many thanks to Aaron Klein (author of Smoozing with Terrorists) for the quotes in this column, which can be found in his book.