C-SPAN shows true colors!

For those of you who listen to Michael Savage and The Savage Nation, you are likely aware of CSPAN's decision to not tape Michael Savage's Speech at the Freedom of Speech award presentation. Now, as I understand it, CSPAN tapes, and broadcasts, a wide variety of programing that is politically oriented. They show many different kinds of speech on CSPAN from many different points of view from all over the political spectrum. They have shown Al Franken for crying out loud. He's about as Left Wing as you can get right? So, why is Michael Savage not allowed to speak his mind then. Certainly, from both the point of view of Michael Savage and CSPAN, CSPAN was there. They were at the event. So, why did they stop taping when Michael Savage took the stage to present his speech for winning the Freedom of Speech award? Why would CSPAN not tape that? I have not heard any explanation from CSPAN about this. I do know, however, that Michael Savage has encouraged those who wish to do so, to write CSPAN to let them know how they feel. Even if CSPAN does not agree with what Michael Savage says, who are they to decide who gets air time and who does not? Once again, I point out that they did show a speech by Al Franken once. If he can get air time, why can't Michael Savage? Let the viewers decide if he's a raging lunatic or not. I personally like Michael Savage. And you know, there was a time when Liberals would say "I may not agree with what you say, but will fight for your right to say it." Whatever happened to that? Why is it that, increasingly, Liberals want certain speech censored? Why does CSPAN want to censor Michael Savage? CSPAN states that their mission statement is to "provide access to the political process." Wouldn't part of that be "freedom of speech"? I would think so.
Regardless of how you feel about this issue, whether you think they should have censored Michael Savage, or whether you think they shouldn't have, I urge you to let Brian Lamb, the CEO of CSPAN, know. You will find his e-mail address below. Keep in mind, CSPAN was already there taping the event, they purposefully stopped taping when Michael Savage came on. That was a conscious decision. I have felt that CSPAN has traditionally been non-partisan. Just because they did not tape Michael Savage does not mean they are Liberal. However, when they taped the whole event up til Michael Savage, you have to wonder, what, exactly, were their intentions? Does CSPAN truly believe in free speech? If so, why did they not tape the person being given the freedom of speech award and his speech? I would certainly be interested in hearing their explanation. I will write an update on this in the future, please look for it.
Brian Lamb