So the Gauntlet is thrown down!

In case you have not yet heard, Hillary Clinton has publically announced she is running for the Presidency. Specifically, she states "I'm in it, and I'm in it to win". She has already been labeled as the "front runner" by the Liberal media. SHe has the connections to money, she knows the right people, and she is definitly a fighter when it comes to politics.
Now, since the Liberal Media has all but declared her the President already, most Conservatives who had enough of Bill Clinton's Presidency will not likely be looking foward to this if she wins. And let's face it, in all likeliness, she will win. I don't like saying there is no hope, however, just the simple fact of Hillary being who she is, is enough to make a Conservative shudder!
I believe that this is what the Liberal Media is hoping for. They have already declared her the next president, which is interesting because we haven't had the election as yet, and, apparently Hillary's Ego is already swelling. But, if the Liberal Media plays it like she's already won, none shall stand against her, well then, that would certainly discourage most Conservative voters from voting wouldn't it? I'm sure Hillary is counting on that. She would like for us to get so discouraged, that we all stay home and don't vote. Henceforth, she would win hands down.
So, I offer encouragement. Regardless of how bleak it looks, go forth and vote! Do not succumb to the Liberal Media's onslaught of already declaring her the victor. You can make a difference. Here is how:
1). Get involved in your local politics. If you have a local Republican Committee, see how you can help. What can you do to make a difference? Is it holding a sign? Writing a letter, talking to others?
2). Write letters to the Editor of your local paper. In my case, this would be the Yakima Herald Repulsive (Republic), long known for it's Liberal Bias, yet constantly denying it. Typical, but, not suprising. If indeed there was a Conservative newspaper, rest assured, the Herald Repulsive wouldn't last but a few months. In any case, write a ltter to the Editor. It should contain the truth about Hillary Clinton. The public often forgets the real Hillary and what her and her husband's administration was all about.
3). Call both your local, and national, talk shows and remind the public what eight years of Bill Clinton was like.
4). Educate yourself on Hillary. Check out her voting record, you'll notice she supported the war in Iraq by the way. Now all of a sudden, she doesn't support it? C'mon!
Remind the public about the 1993 Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Oddly enough, under Bill Clinton's watch. Remind them of the bombings in Saudi Arabia (1995) on the living quarters of the U.S. Miitary, which happened under Bill Clinton's watch. Remind them of the U.S. Embassy Bombings in Africa in 1998, under Bill Clinton's watch. Remind them about how Bill Clinton, to distract the public from his Impeachment hearings by launching missles at Terrorist Targets in Afghanistan (which oddly enough, he didn't get permission from the U.N. for doing) which actually turned out to be Asprin Production facilities. what proof did Bill Clinton have? How come he didn't approach the U.N. with his "evidence"?
Remind the public about the USS Cole Bombing in Yemen in 2000, under Bill Clinton's watch and how he did NOTHING to bring anyone to justice. Ok, enough about Slick Willy. How about Hillary?
Well, what do we know about Hillary's rule? Well, in her husband's administration, in 1993, she tried to pass Socialized Medicine. Sounds great don't it? Everyone gets medicine for "free" because the taxes pay for it. Yep, too bad it won't work. Oh but it does, you say! In Canada, that's proof. Yep, it does work in Canada. Know how much their tax rate is? It's 50%. Your total income is taxed 50% in order to pay for Socialized Medicine in Canada. And best yet, EVERYONE in Canada pays. Not just the rich. EVERYONE. That means, the poorest people in Canada still pay 50% in taxes. This is what Hillary wants to bring to the U.S. Great! But, that's NOT all! She wants Socialzed Medicine in its truest sense! Taxes will pay for all medical care as well! Imagine, doctors will now be government workers. I don't know about you, but, I know my doctor is probably not interested in being a governement worker. I'm confident hundreds of thousands of doctors across the U.S. will not be interested either! And all that plastic surgery that people like getting? Well, in Socialized Medicine, you won't get that. That's a luxury. Only necessary surgery is covered, all others, YOU pay for after your 50% tax. Now, about surgeries. If Canada's system is SO great, why do they all come down to the U.S. for surgery? Because otherwise, they'd die waiting for it up there!
Remind the public about the Whitewater scandal. The Travel Gate Scandal. Most importantly, remind the public that when Hillary was on the Committe to discuss impeaching then President Nixon, she stated that she felt the character of a President counted. But, when her husband was going to be impeached, mysteriously, character no longer counted! Amazing.
So, don't despair! It's likely Hillary will win. But, I fear most what will happen when she takes over. Taxes will sky rocket, social programs (some of which are not needed now!) will get an ever increasing budget. The U.S. military will be yanked out of the Middle East, she will leave Israel out to dry, Illegals will come across the border from both North and South. She will be soft on terror and terrorists will thrive in the U.S. There will be more attacks on U.S. soil and, she will blame President Bush for this, despite it happening on her watch! However, when this happens and she says it was Bush's fault, remind her that her and her fellow Demoncrats stated that 9/11 was not President Bill Clinton's fault (despite obvious signs it was!), because it happened on Bush's watch. So, it is the fault of the President in charge at the time. The new standard set by Democrats in 2001. But, like most Demoncrats, they will change their tune when it is they in charge and an attack happens. Just you wait!
In the meantime, please do check out and remind yourself why having another Clinton in office would not be good.