Kerry Threatens President Bush!

I am not a huge fan of Ultra Liberal Bill Maher who constantly rips President Bush regularly for anything. He seems to think that America would be so much better off with Democrats running the country. Oh really? Well, the Dow is the highest in several years, even moreso than Clinton. The National Debt was good news, lowest it's been in years. The contributing factor? The tax cuts Libs opposed have generated tons of tax revenue which has paid towards the National Debt.
In any case, on October 6th, Maher had Senator Kerry on. The actual conversation went like this:
(After some niceties, Maher asked the senator what he got his wife for her birthday. Kerry said that he took his wife to a lovely retreat in Vermont. Begin transcript):
Maher: You could have went to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone.
Kerry: Or, I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.
So, we have Senator Kerry threatening the President of the United States. Can you just imagine if the roles were reversed and Former Gov. Bush was saying this about President Kerry?! Can you imagine the outrage?! It's in very poor taste to say the least! I remember when Trent Lott said an off color remark that was in poor taste. He was forced to resign his Senate Majority Leadership for saying about Strom Thurmond "If we'd have elected him (as president) we wouldn't have the trouble we do now". Why is Sen. Kerry not being asked to resign? He's making a real poor comment about killing the President, and, the non-Liberally biased media is not taking him to task for it!
How is it that a Liberal Senator can make a comment like this and get away with it? Why is no one, at the minimum, demanding an apology from him?! Shouldn't he apologize for this?! It was in poor taste and inappropriate. Just as when Harry Reid of Nevada called the President "Stupid" when speaking to school children, and the media did not address that either. There is a REAL double standard in the media and in the U.S.
If you think what Sen. Kerry said is wrong, please contact him and let him know. If you agree with what he said, you are free to do that as well, but, ask yourself, if a Republican had said this about President Clinton, would you still feel they had the right to say that about Clinton or would you be outraged?