So much for Leftist tolerance I guess..........

Well, as if the Dixie Chicks couldn't possibly be dumb enough, leave it to Ms. Maines to prove us wrong! Screaming about how her and her fellow "Witless Chicks" screamed way back in 2003 about how they were treated after they made a comment about President Bush on foreign soil. They screamed about their freedom of speech, and how they had the Constitutional Right to say whatever they wanted. How dare us clueless wonders to actually say something against them! How dare us to celebrate our own freedom of speech by speaking out against the Chicks! Where do WE get off doing that?!
Now, you have the chicks who've created their own "documentary" about themselves. Hmm, no Narsassitic Personality Disorder there! Further, they premired it in Canada! Wow, it was a hit there! Didn't see that coming! Lots of Canada hates America. Sure, they may have cheap drugs, but ya know, if your health care system's so great, why do so many of you come to America for surgery?! If you hate America so much, stay in your own country and die waiting for surgery! Want to really piss off a Canadian? Mis-pronounce their name. Instead of Canada, say Ca-nada. Man, they frekain' hate that! It's fun!
Now, back to the Chicks. This documentary is called "Shut up and sing". How odd that they can't come up with an original title, so, they have to rip off the title of Laura Ingraham's book "shut up and sing". Next, in this "film" Maines calls President Bush a "Dumb F**K". Gee, is this the "tolerance" the Left is always saying they have? It's one thing to disagree, but, aren't they the ones that protest all the name calling, yet, funny how they do it to themselves! Total double standard!
Well, I guess if the Chicks insist on degrading our President, they, we all certainly have a right to respond don't we? Well, now we can. You can go to their official website and leave a message on their message board if you like (assuming they let you as they've not been too favorable of that in the past. Apparently your voicing your disgust for them on their own site violates THEIR freedom of speech somehow...something funny about that). You can go to and do that. Another thing you can do is to call all of your local country music stations and tell the DJ (or better yet, ask for the Station Manager, or Program Manager) and tell them that if they insist on playing the Dixie Chicks music on their station when they disrespect our President, you can then tell them that you'll call all businesses that advertise on their station and tell those businesses that you will not support them because the station they advertise on plays the Chicks' music. If even 10% of the buying population was to do this, imagine the impact! But, it's up to you. If you chose to disagree with the Dixie Chicks, I encourage you to do this. If you agree with the Dixie Chicks, you're free to call in to the radio station and voice your support. However, you will have a very difficult time convincing me that you "love America" when you support people people that continuously bash our President and our country. So, if America is so bad, and you hate it and our President so much, feel free to leave and move to Ca-Nada. Sounds like you might be happier up there in Commie Land.